Young Children and the Environment
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Young Children and the Environment is a practical, future-oriented resource that explores how early childhood educators can work with children, their families and wider community to tackle issues of sustainability. Now in its third edition, this seminal text covers Early Childhood Education for Sustainability, as well as the science of sustainability, public health, children's wellbeing, ethics and a broad range of environmental management topics.
'Stories from the Field' present practical ideas for early childhood educators to support their own learning and teaching in sustainability, and international case studies provide examples of how sustainability is taught to young children across the globe. Young Children and the Environment is a call to action for those who work with children to put in place practices for a sustainable future. This book is a vital resource for students and practitioners looking for guidance on how to implement change for the future of children and the environment.
- Höfundur: Davis, Julie M.
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2024-01-05
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781009488358
- Print ISBN: 9781009199988
- ISBN 10: 100948835X
- Cover
- Half title
- Acknowledgement of Country
- Title page
- Imprints page
- Dedication
- Epigraph
- Foreword
- Contents
- About the authors
- Editors
- Contributors
- Abbreviations and acronyms
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Part 1
- 1 What is early childhood education for sustainability and why does it matter?
- Introduction: Why this book is critical now – children at the precipice
- This book’s purpose
- Our reflections on what is becoming more precarious globally
- Beyond climate change to sustainability
- What is sustainability?
- Sustainability as social justice and fairness
- Young children and sustainability: Rethinking fundamentals
- Children’s rights in the age of (un)sustainability
- Rethinking Bronfenbrenner’s theory of human development
- What is education for sustainability?
- Education for sustainability: A socially transformative approach
- What is early childhood education for sustainability?
- Why is early childhood education for sustainability important?
- ECEfS as transformative education
- Global shifts offering rich contexts for early childhood education for sustainability
- Some examples of global sustainability efforts offering hope
- Two global education-focused efforts supporting and strengthening EFS
- Rich contexts for early childhood education for sustainability
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- References
- 2 Exploring a nature–sustainability nexus
- Editor’s note
- Introduction
- A short history and definition of nature play programs
- Images of the child
- Historical images
- Nineteenth-century developmental images
- Contemporary images
- A commonworlds approach: Nature as co-constructor and leader of learning
- Reimagining nature play pedagogies for sustainability
- Alignments between nature play and education for sustainability pedagogies
- Place-based pedagogies
- Slow pedagogies
- Ethically informed pedagogies
- The perspectives of First Nations peoples
- Examining cross-pollination links within the curriculum
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- References
- 3 Two worlds, one culture
- Editor’s note
- Introduction
- Playscape project connections to place, deep listening and storytelling, play and culture
- Place: Fishing spears, nets and cultural rites
- Aboriginal deep listening and storytelling
- Cultural practices and play
- The playscape as a cultural performance space
- Pedagogical possibilities of the playscape
- Aboriginal languages as a cultural pedagogical tool within the playscape
- Conclusion: Playscapes as sites for reclaiming Aboriginal knowledges and practices of sustainability
- Review provocations
- References
- 4 Missing voices
- Editor’s note
- Introduction: Young children’s competent and capable engagement with sustainability
- Study background and approach
- Finding children’s missing voices through a question and drawing response
- Analysing children’s voices for curriculum construction
- Using our data to develop the 4C Framework
- Curiosity: What are children curious about?
- Collaboration: Who and what can we collaborate with?
- Creativity: What are we going to do or how is our thinking going to change?
- Connectedness: How are we connecting?
- Alignment and versatility of the 4C Framework
- Reflects UNESCO’s four-dimensions definition of sustainability
- Reinforces key transformative principles of EE/EfS
- Links with the National Quality Framework for early learning and the Australian Curriculum for school learning
- Responds to the voices of young children and empowers them
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- References
- 5 Listening to young children with/in nature
- Editors’ note
- Introduction
- Early childhood educators are leaders and advocates well placed for partnerships
- Birthing community projects: A problem shared is a problem halved
- Lisa’s story
- Ali’s story
- Effecting community change through relationships and partnerships
- Relationships with parents and your local community are valuable resources for ECEfS
- Building productive partnerships
- Trusting children as citizens and co-collaborators
- The mosaic approach: A framework for listening
- Ways of listening to children
- The power of pedagogical documentation and learning stories
- Ripple effects
- Transforming resources and practices
- Rippling out into new networks
- Empowering and hopeful pedagogies
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- References
- 6 Practical possibilities and pedagogical approaches in early childhood education for sustainability
- Editor’s note
- Introduction
- Leaping into learning about sustainable practices
- Bringing back the butterflies
- ‘Doing’ sociopolitical sustainability in a long day care setting
- Young children as sustainability activists
- Children, community and citizenship
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- References
- 7 Leadership and advocacy through early childhood education for sustainability in times of crisis
- Editor’s note
- Introduction
- Leadership in early childhood education
- Leaders’ early childhood education for sustainability principles and practices within educational settings
- Leadership for early childhood education for sustainability: National Quality Agenda and the Early Years Learning Framework
- Leadership, advocacy and ethics for early childhood education for sustainability
- Significant life events shaping sustainability activism in early childhood education
- Exemplary leaders of early childhood education for sustainability
- Exemplary cases of early childhood education for sustainability leadership through building partnerships
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- References
- 8 Exploring the Sustainable Development Goals
- Editor’s note
- Introduction
- The Sustainable Development Goals
- Education for sustainable futures
- Sustainability beyond the environmental dimension
- Social sustainability and social inclusion
- Children in contemporary contexts
- Transformational pedagogies
- Critical reflection
- Listening to children
- Children’s meaningful participation
- Complexities of participation
- Promoting children’s resilience for social inclusion
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- References
- 9 Harnessing children’s interest in digital technologies for sustainability learning
- Editor’s note
- Introduction
- Digital technologies in early childhood education for sustainability
- Early childhood education for sustainability and sustainability
- Social sustainability
- Towards digital technologies for sustainability education
- Successful children–educators–resources interrelationships
- Children and digital technologies for sustainability education
- Educators and digital technologies for sustainability education
- Resources in digital technologies for sustainability education
- The DTfSE context in early childhood educational settings
- Strengthening digital technologies for sustainability relationships
- Children–educator relationships in digital technologies for sustainability education
- Children–resources relationships in digital technologies for sustainability education
- Educator–resources relationships in digital technologies for sustainability education
- Digital technologies and guided scientific inquiry
- Putting it all into practice
- The importance of conversations and questioning
- Connection to curriculum: The Australian Early Years Learning Framework
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- References
- 10 Healthy and sustainable environments for children and communities in a changing climate
- Editor’s note
- Introduction
- Reframing health and wellbeing
- Holistic health
- Planetary health
- The changing ecology of childhood
- An ecological model of health and wellbeing in the early years
- Growing healthy children
- Health-promoting early learning settings and health-promoting schools
- Planetary health benefits of HPEL/HPS
- Human health benefits of interacting with nature
- Promoting physical activity, healthy weight and nutrition
- Social, emotional, mental and spiritual health
- Combining education for sustainability and health (HPEL/HPS)
- Disaster resilience education
- DRE Birdie’s Tree Resources
- Disaster resilience education: Be You Bushfire Response Program
- Disaster Resilience Education for Young People handbook
- Health-promoting early learning settings and health-promoting schools
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- References
- 1 What is early childhood education for sustainability and why does it matter?
- 11 Early learning for sustainability through STEAM
- Editor’s note
- Introduction
- STEM education
- STEM and early childhood education for sustainability
- Adding the arts: STEM to STEAM
- STEAM in early childhood education for sustainability
- Art and design in STEAM
- Art can be scientific
- The IKOPE planning model
- Interest
- Knowledge
- Organisation
- Practice
- Empower
- Potential for STEAM learning
- Science
- Technology
- Engineering
- The arts
- Mathematics
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- References
- 12 How preschool education in Sweden contributes to cultures for sustainability
- Editor’s note
- Introduction
- Preschools in Sweden
- Sustainable preschool
- Addressing the economy – and more
- Analysis from a sustainability perspective
- Taking things further: Links to sustainability, society and citizenship
- Further examples from the economic dimension
- The environmental dimension
- Analysis from a sustainability perspective
- Further examples from the environmental dimension
- The social-cultural dimension
- Analysis from a sustainability perspective
- Further examples from the social-cultural dimension
- Discussion
- What is ‘content’ in preschool education?
- How can sustainability activities with children strengthen their participation and agency?
- What pedagogical aspects of children’s early learning might promote transformative change towards sustainability?
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- References
- 13 Opportunities for early childhood education for sustainability in the Americas
- Editor’s note
- Introduction
- Opportunities for early childhood education for sustainability in the Americas
- Possibilities for pre-service education in Canada
- Journeying from nature-based learning towards early childhood education for sustainability in the United States
- Early childhood education for sustainability in Indigenous contexts: The Chilean case
- Indigenous worldviews and local knowledge through inquiry
- What we learned
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- References
- 14 Sustainability education in early childhood education contexts
- Editor’s note
- Introduction
- An Asian contextual overview
- An overview of sustainability issues in the Asian region
- Early childhood education and environmental and sustainability education trends in Asia
- New challenges
- Eastern viewpoints
- Asian exemplars: India, Japan, China and Singapore
- Implications and significance for global practices
- Glocal connections
- Children as integral parts of larger change: A relational approach
- Child-focused community-centred pedagogies: Living in harmony
- Collective efforts
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- References
- 15 Building knowledge and competence to promote sustainability in early childhood education: Four European perspectives
- Editor’s note
- Introduction
- Portuguese case study: Children inhabiting the public space
- Turkish case study: Working with the 7Rs+R
- English case study: Intergenerational learning and sustainable communities
- Swedish case study: Working with the SDGs and Swedish environmental objectives
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- Acknowledgement
- References
- 16 Using systems thinking to mainstream early childhood education for sustainability
- Editor’s note
- Introduction
- Creating system-wide change in early childhood education for sustainability
- Scaling up and/or mainstreaming?
- Resisting or embracing change?
- Educational settings as islands or components of larger, more complex organisational systems?
- Mapping systems and sub-systems: What are the interrelationships?
- Three key essentials for expanding early childhood education for sustainability
- Creating communities of practice for early childhood education for sustainability
- Leveraging teacher education for early childhood education for sustainability
- Promoting curriculum change through policy review for early childhood education for sustainability
- Conclusion
- Review provocations
- References
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : Davis, Julie M. , Julie Davis , Julie M. Davis
- Útgáfuár : 2014
- Leyfi : 379