Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology, EMEA Edition
Námskeið VIÐ282F Vinnusálfræði E-507-VINN Vinnusálfræði 135.6.0.VSÁL Vinnusálfræði - lota 1 V-715-ORPS Organizational Psychology - Höfundar: Jeffrey M. Conte, Frank J. Landy
4.690 kr.
- VIÐ282F Vinnusálfræði
- E-507-VINN Vinnusálfræði
- 135.6.0.VSÁL Vinnusálfræði - lota 1
- V-715-ORPS Organizational Psychology
Now in its sixth edition, Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology by Jeffrey M. Conte and Frank J. Landy is the most current and engaging text for the industrial and organizational (I-O) psychology course. The text ties together themes and topics such as diversity, cognitive and physical abilities, personality, emotional intelligence, technology, multicultural dynamics, and evidence-based I-O psychology in a way that explores the rich and intriguing nature of the modern workplace.
- Höfundar: Jeffrey M. Conte, Frank J. Landy
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 01/2020
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119635857
- Print ISBN: 9781119590262
- ISBN 10: 1119635853
- Objectives for the Sixth Edition
- Structure of the Book: Parts, Chapters, and Modules
- Supplements for Students and Instructors
- Website for Students
- Student Study Guide and Workbook
- Acknowledgments
- A Note from Jeff Conte
- CHAPTER 1: What Is Industrial and Organizational Psychology?
- MODULE 1.1 The Importance of I-O Psychology
- MODULE 1.2 The Past, Present, and Future of I-O Psychology
- MODULE 1.3 Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Issues in I-O Psychology
- MODULE 1.4 The Organization of This Book
- CHAPTER 2: Research Methods and Statistics in I-O Psychology
- MODULE 2.1 Science and Research
- MODULE 2.2 Data Analysis
- MODULE 2.3 Interpretation through Reliability and Validity
- CHAPTER 3: Individual Differences and Assessment
- MODULE 3.1 An Introduction to Individual Differences
- MODULE 3.2 Human Attributes
- MODULE 3.3 Foundations of Assessment
- MODULE 3.4 Assessment Procedures
- MODULE 3.5 Special Topics in Assessment
- CHAPTER 4: Job Analysis and Performance
- MODULE 4.1 A Basic Model of Performance
- MODULE 4.2 Extensions of the Basic Performance Model
- MODULE 4.3 Job Analysis: Fundamental Properties and Practices
- MODULE 4.4 Job Analysis: Newer Developments
- MODULE 4.5 Job Evaluation and the Law
- CHAPTER 5: Performance Measurement
- MODULE 5.1 Basic Concepts in Performance Measurement
- MODULE 5.2 Performance Rating—Substance
- MODULE 5.3 Performance Rating—Process
- MODULE 5.4 The Social and Legal Context of Performance Evaluation
- CHAPTER 6: Staffing Decisions
- MODULE 6.1 Conceptual Issues in Staffing
- MODULE 6.2 Evaluation of Staffing Outcomes
- MODULE 6.3 Practical Issues in Staffing
- MODULE 6.4 Legal Issues in Staffing Decisions
- CHAPTER 7: Training and Development
- MODULE 7.1 Foundations of Training and Learning
- MODULE 7.2 Content and Methods of Training
- MODULE 7.3 Evaluating Training Programs
- MODULE 7.4 Specialized Training Programs
- CHAPTER 8: The Motivation to Work
- MODULE 8.1 An Introduction to Motivation
- MODULE 8.2 Classic Approaches to Work Motivation
- MODULE 8.3 Modern Approaches to Work Motivation
- MODULE 8.4 Practical Issues in Motivation
- CHAPTER 9: Attitudes, Emotions, and Work
- MODULE 9.1 Work Attitudes
- MODULE 9.2 Moods, Emotions, Attitudes, and Behavior
- MODULE 9.3 Special Topics Related to Attitudes and Emotions
- CHAPTER 10: Stress and Worker Well-Being
- MODULE 10.1 The Problem of Stress
- MODULE 10.2 Theories of Stress
- MODULE 10.3 Reducing and Managing Stress
- MODULE 10.4 Violence at Work
- CHAPTER 11: Fairness, Justice, and Diversity in the Workplace
- MODULE 11.1 Justice and Fairness
- MODULE 11.2 The Practical Implications of Justice Perceptions
- MODULE 11.3 Diversity
- CHAPTER 12: Leadership in Organizations
- MODULE 12.1 The Concept of Leadership
- MODULE 12.2 Traditional Theories of Leadership
- MODULE 12.3 New Approaches to Leadership
- MODULE 12.4 Emerging Topics and Challenges in Leadership Research
- CHAPTER 13: Teams in Organizations
- MODULE 13.1 Types of Teams
- MODULE 13.2 Input–Process–Output Model of Team Effectiveness
- MODULE 13.3 Special Issues in Teams
- CHAPTER 14: Organizational Theory, Dynamics, and Change
- MODULE 14.1 Conceptual and Theoretical Foundations of Organizations
- MODULE 14.2 Social Dynamics of Organizations
- MODULE 14.3 Organizational Development and Change
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 12427
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380