Visualizing Physical Geography employs uniquely designed visual pedgagogy to help students acquire the skills they need to become better learners. The 2nd edition has refined and expanded the visuals using insights from research on student outcomes. The Visualizing approach uses a variety of research-based visuals to engage students so they become active participants in the learning process. Visualizing Physical Geography immerses students in course material through visuals (both in print and rich multimedia resources) while organizing complex processes and related course information into easily digestible segments.
Visualizing Physical Geography is a comprehensive, modern book for today's human geography course. With current examples, thorough coverage of geographers’ tools and technology, and a visual design that is accessible without sacrificing content, it is a title that will appeal to a broad range of instructors. The narrative and concepts are tightly linked to visual elements, including practical examples that highlight the relevance of the concepts.
- Höfundur: Timothy Foresman
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 12/2011
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118326978
- Print ISBN: 9780470626153
- ISBN 10: 1118326970
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Preface
- Contents in Brief
- Contents
- Process Diagrams
- Geography Insight Features
- Science Tools
- 1: Discovering the Earth’s Dimensions
- The World of Physical Geography
- The Science of Geography
- A World of Systems
- Methods and Tools for Geography
- The Shape of the Earth
- Global Location
- The Geographic Grid
- Latitude and Longitude
- Global Time
- Solar Time
- Standard Time
- The International Date Line
- Daylight Saving Time
- Mapping the Earth
- Map Scales
- Map Projections
- Distortions in Map Projections
- Frontiers in Mapping Technologies
- Remote-Sensing Tools
- Where Geographers CLICK: Remote Sensing
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Video Explorations: Solid Terrain Modeling
- Global Positioning System (GPS)
- Geobrowsers and 3-D Mapping
- What A Geographer Sees: Visualizing the Earth
- Where Geographers CLICK: Geobrowsers in Action
- The World of Physical Geography
- Electromagnetic Radiation
- The Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Radiation and Temperature
- Solar Radiation
- Insolation over the Globe
- Daily Insolation
- Seasonal Change
- Annual Insolation by Latitude
- Solar Energy and the Earth’s Atmosphere
- Composition of the Atmosphere
- Video Explorations: The Dimming Sun
- Absorption, Scattering, and Reflection of Insolation
- The Global Energy System
- The Earth’s Energy Output
- Net Radiation and the Global Energy Budget
- Human Impacts on the Global Energy Balance
- What A Geographer Sees: Hazy Asian Atmosphere
- Where Geographers CLICK: The Ozone Layer
- Temperature and Heat Flow Processes
- Measuring Temperature
- Energy Transfer
- Latent Heat
- Daily and Annual Cycles of Air Temperature
- The Daily Cycle of Air Temperature
- Annual Cycles of Air Temperature
- Where Geographers CLICK: Goddard Institute for Space Studies Surface Temperature Analysis
- Land and Water Contrasts
- Temperature by Latitude
- Local Effects on Air Temperature
- Effect of Elevation on Temperature
- Urban and Rural Environments
- What A Geographer Sees: Urban Heat Islands
- World Patterns of Air Temperature
- Air Temperature Maps
- Air Temperature Patterns Around the Globe
- The Temperature Record and Global Warming
- The Temperature Record
- Global Warming
- Where Geographers CLICK: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- Consequences of Global Warming
- Video Exlporation: Global Warming Update
- Water and the Hydrosphere
- The Three States of Water
- The Hydrosphere
- The Hydrologic Cycle
- Humidity
- Relative Humidity
- What A Geographer Sees: Temperature and Humidity
- Specific Humidity
- Dew Point
- Adiabatic Processes
- The Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate
- The Moist Adiabatic Lapse Rate
- Clouds and Fog
- Cloud Formation
- Cloud Forms
- Fog
- Video Explorations: Rainy Days and Weekdays
- Precipitation
- Formation of Precipitation
- Types of Precipitation
- Atmospheric Lifting
- Human Impacts on Clouds and Precipitation
- Acid Rain
- Cloud Cover, Precipitation, and Global Warming
- Where Geographers CLICK: Clouds and Global Climate
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Measuring Atmospheric Pressure
- Atmospheric Pressure and Altitude
- Wind Speed and Direction
- Pressure Gradients
- The Coriolis Effect
- The Frictional Force
- Global Wind and Pressure Patterns
- Tropical Circulation
- Midlatitude Circulation
- What A Geographer Sees: Jet Streams and Air Travel
- High-Latitude Circulation
- Global Circulation at Higher Altitudes
- Local Winds
- Daily Cycles of Winds
- Other Topographic Winds
- Where Geographers CLICK: Fire Weather and Santa Ana Winds
- Oceanic Circulation
- Ocean Currents
- Circulation and Energy Transfer
- Cycles in Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulation
- Video Exploration: El Niño and La Niña
- Air Masses
- Source Regions of Air Masses
- Movement of Air Masses
- Fronts
- Cold Fronts
- Warm Fronts
- Occluded and Stationary Fronts
- Midlatitude Cyclones
- Cyclonic and Anticyclonic Systems
- What A Geographer Sees: Anticyclones
- Evolution of a Midlatitude Cyclone
- Weather Changes Within a Midlatitude Cyclone
- Tropical Cyclones
- Anatomy of a Tropical Cyclone
- Formation and Movement of Tropical Cyclones
- Video Exploration: Hurricane Spotters
- Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Damages
- Thunderstorms and Tornadoes
- Thunderstorms and Unstable Air
- Where Geographers CLICK: Thunderstorm Outlook
- Tornadoes
- Keys to Climate
- Global Temperature Patterns
- Global Precipitation Patterns
- Climate Classification
- Climate Classification Systems
- Climate Groups
- Low-Latitude Climates
- The Wet Equatorial Climate
- The Monsoon and Trade-Wind Coastal Climate
- The Wet-Dry Tropical Climate
- The Dry Tropical Climate
- What A Geographer Sees: Desertification
- Midlatitude Climates
- The Dry Subtropical Climate
- The Moist Subtropical Climate
- The Mediterranean Climate
- The Marine West-Coast Climate
- The Dry Midlatitude Climate
- The Moist Continental Climate
- High-Latitude Climates
- The Boreal Forest Climate
- The Tundra Climate
- Video Exploration: Alaska: The Price of Progress
- The Ice Sheet Climate
- Climate Change
- Shifting Climate Characteristics
- Where Geographers CLICK: Global Monitoring of Climate Change
- Weather Variability
- Future Challenges and Adaptations
- The Changing Earth
- The Timescale for Geologic Change
- What A Geographer Sees: Radiometric Dating
- Forces of Geologic Change
- The Structure of the Earth
- The Core
- The Mantle
- The Crust and Lithosphere
- Earth Materials and the Cycle of Rock Change
- Igneous Rocks
- Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
- Metamorphic Rocks
- The Cycle of Rock Change
- Topography of the Earth
- Relief Features of the Continents
- Where Geographers CLICK: Mapping the Earth’s Topography from Space
- Relief Features of the Ocean Basins
- Video Exploration: Born of Fire
- Configuration of the Continents
- Plate Tectonics
- Types of Plate Boundaries
- Subduction Zones
- Collision Zones
- Tectonic Activity and Earthquakes
- Faults and Fault Landforms
- What A Geographer Sees: The Basin and Range Province of the Southwestern United States
- Earthquakes
- Video Exploration: When the Earth Shakes
- Tectonic Environments of Earthquakes
- Volcanic Activity and Landforms
- Tectonic Environments of Volcanoes
- Volcanic Eruptions
- Types of Volcanoes
- Where Geographers CLICK: The Alaska Volcano Observatory
- Weathering
- How Rocks Disintegrate
- Video Exploration: Erosion
- What A Geographer Sees: Joint Formation
- Physical Weathering
- Chemical Weathering
- Slopes and Slope Processes
- Mass Wasting
- Creep
- Falls
- Slides
- Flows
- Where Geographers CLICK: Post-Wildfire Flows
- Induced Mass Wasting
- Fresh Water and the Hydrologic Cycle
- Distribution of Fresh Water
- Movement of Fresh Water Through the Hydrologic Cycle
- Ground Water
- The Water Table
- What A Geographer Sees: Hot Springs and Geysers
- Limestone Solution by Ground Water
- Groundwater Use and Management
- Where Geographers CLICK: Groundwater Pollution
- Surface Water and Fluvial Systems
- Drainage Systems
- Stream Channels and Discharge
- Flooding
- Where Geographers CLICK: Flood Forecasting
- Lakes
- Water as a Natural Resource
- Water Access and Supply
- Pollution of Surface Water
- Video Exploration: Volga: The Soul of Russia
- Erosion, Transportation, and Deposition
- Where Geographers CLICK: Soil Erosion Site
- Slope Erosion
- Stream Erosion
- Stream Transportation
- Deposition
- Video Exploration: The Power of Water
- Stream Gradation and Evolution
- Stream Gradation
- Evolution of Stream Valleys
- Stream Rejuvenation
- Theories of Landscape Evolution
- Fluvial Landforms
- Meandering Streams and Floodplains
- Braided Streams
- Landforms of Flat-Lying Rocks in Arid Climates
- What A Geographer Sees: Badlands
- Deltas
- Wind Action
- Erosion by Wind
- Transportation by Wind
- Eolian Landforms
- Sand Dunes
- Loess
- The Work of Waves and Tides
- Waves
- What A Geographer Sees: Breaking Waves
- Littoral Drift
- Wave Refraction
- Tides
- Coastal Landforms
- Erosional Coastal Landforms
- Depositional Coastal Landforms
- Coastlines of Submergence
- Coral Reefs
- Human Interactions with Coastal Processes
- Coastal Engineering
- Global Warming and Sea-Level Rise
- Video Exploration: Sinking England
- Where Geographers CLICK: Visualizing Global Sea-Level Rise
- Types of Glaciers
- Alpine Glaciers
- Ice Sheets
- Where Geographers CLICK: Monitoring the Wilkins Ice Shelf
- Glacial Processes
- Formation of Glaciers
- Movement of Glaciers
- Glacial Erosion and Deposition
- Glacial Landforms
- Landforms Made by Alpine Glaciers
- Landforms Made by Ice Sheets
- Periglacial Processes and Landforms
- Permafrost
- Ground Ice and Periglacial Landforms
- What A Geographer Sees: Ice Wedges
- Human Interactions with Periglacial Environments
- Global Climate and Glaciation
- History of Glaciation
- Triggering the Ice Age
- Cycles of Glaciation
- Glaciation and Global Warming
- Video Exploration: Antarctic Ice
- Soil Formation
- Components of Soil
- Soil Horizons
- Soil-Forming Processes
- Video Exploration: Mesopotamia
- Factors in Soil Formation
- What A Geographer Sees: Nature’s Soil Engineers
- Soil Properties
- Soil Color
- Soil Texture
- Soil Structure
- Soil Moisture
- Soil Chemistry
- Acidity and Alkalinity
- Colloids
- The Global Distribution of Soils
- Where Geographers CLICK: Understanding Soils
- Soils Characterized by Maturity
- Soils Characterized by Climate Type
- Soils Characterized by Parent Material
- Organic Soils
- Energy and Matter Flow in Ecosystems
- Energy Flows and the Food Chain
- Photosynthesis and Respiration
- Net Primary Production
- Biogeochemical Cycles
- Ecological Biogeography
- Climatic Factors Affecting Ecosystems
- Other Factors Affecting Ecosystems
- Interactions Among Species
- What A Geographer Sees: Positive Effects of Predation
- Ecological Succession
- Primary and Secondary Succession
- Succession, Change, and Equilibrium
- Evolution and Biodiversity
- Evolution
- Dispersal
- Video Exploration: Flying Fossils
- Extinction and Threats to Biodiversity
- Where Geographers CLICK: The IUCN Red List
- Global Vegetation
- Structure and Life-Form of Plants
- Climate and Vegetation Types
- Human Influences on Vegetation
- What A Geographer Sees: Fire Suppression
- Forest Biome
- Low-Latitude Rainforest
- Where Geographers CLICK: Monitoring Deforestation in the Amazon
- Monsoon Forest
- Subtropical Evergreen Forest
- Midlatitude Deciduous Forest
- Needleleaf Forest
- Sclerophyll Forest
- Savanna and Grassland Biomes
- Savanna Biome
- Grassland Biome
- Desert and Tundra Biomes
- Desert Biome
- Video Exploration: China’s Desert
- Tundra Biome
- Answers to Ask Yourself and Put It Together Questions
- Answers to Self-Tests
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8452
- Útgáfuár : 2011