Violence and Maltreatment in Intimate Relationships

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Violence and Maltreatment in Intimate Relationships describes the magnitude, risk factors, and consequences of intimate violence. The text offers a multidisciplinary focus that examines traditional areas of interpersonal violence as well as forms of intimate abuse outside the family. Addressing intimate relationship violence across the developmental lifespan, the Second Edition offers a mix of historical and contemporary perspectives, as well as personal stories and high-profile cases to provide readers with ample opportunity for application of the explanations, research, and data.
The authors discuss the professional and social response to violence and maltreatment in intimate relationships (VMIR) to further the understanding of how to treat victims and how to prevent future intimate violence. Included with this title: The password-protected Instructor Resource Site (formally known as SAGE Edge) offers access to all text-specific resources, including a test bank and editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides.
- Höfundar: Cindy L. Miller-Perrin, Robin D. Perrin, Claire M. Renzetti
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-08-06
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781544371108
- Print ISBN: 9781544371085
- ISBN 10: 1544371101
- List of Abbreviations
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- About the Authors
- Chapter 1 • History and Definitions of Intimate Violence and Maltreatment
- Introduction
- Estimating the Scope of the Problem
- • Box 1.1 Polyvictimization
- Intimate Violence and Maltreatment as a Social Construction
- The Discovery of Childhood and the Recognition of Child Abuse
- • Box 1.2 High-Tech Feticide: Sex-Selective Abortions
- Recognizing Child Physical Abuse
- Recognizing Child Sexual Abuse
- Recognizing Other Forms of Child Maltreatment
- The Women’s Rights Movement, the Rise of Feminism, and the Recognition of Intimate Partner Violence
- Recognizing Women as Victims of IPV
- Recognizing the Sexual Assault of Women
- Other Sometimes Forgotten Victims
- Elder Abuse
- LGBTQ Violence
- Male Victims of IPV and Sexual Assault
- Defining “Violence” and “Maltreatment” and “Intimate Relationships”
- What Is an Intimate Relationship?
- What Is Violence?
- What Is Maltreatment?
- Social Policy: Prevention and Intervention
- Child and Adult Welfare Policy
- Family Preservation, Foster Care, and Adoption
- Criminal Justice Issues
- Community Awareness Campaigns
- Shelters and Hotlines
- Chapter Summary
- Recommended Resources
- Chapter 2 • Methods and Perspectives in Violence and Maltreatment in Intimate Relationships
- An Explanatory Context
- Structural Characteristics of Intimate Relationships
- A Culture of Acceptance
- Low Costs of VMIR
- Intergenerational Transmission: VMIR as Learned Behavior
- Measurement Issues: The Funnel Metaphor
- Important Data Sets and Self-Report Survey Instruments
- Uniform Crime Report
- National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System
- National Incidence Studies
- National Crime Victimization Survey
- National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey
- Conflict Tactics Scales
- National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence and Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire
- Methodological Issues: Conducting Better Research
- • Box 2.1 Is Impartial Empiricism in the Study of VMIR Possible?
- Negotiated Definitions
- Correlation Isn’t Causation: Problems Establishing Cause-and-Effect Relationships
- Randomized Controlled Trials (Experimental Design)
- Longitudinal Studies and Matched Comparison Groups
- Chapter Summary
- Recommended Resources
- An Explanatory Context
- Chapter 3 • Child Physical Abuse
- Case History: Kevin Fell Off His Razor
- Scope of the Problem
- What Is Child Physical Abuse?
- • Box 3.1 Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Legal Perspectives
- How Common Is Child Physical Abuse?
- Risk Factors Associated With Child Physical Abuse
- Characteristics of Children Who Are Physically Abused
- Age of the Child
- Gender of the Child
- Race and Ethnicity of the Child
- Physical, Cognitive, and Developmental Disabilities of the Child
- Characteristics of Adults Who Physically Abuse Children
- Parents and Siblings as Perpetrators
- Gender of the Perpetrator
- Mental Health and Behavioral Difficulties of the Perpetrator
- • Box 3.2 Sibling Violence and Abuse
- Biological and Physical Risk Factors of the Perpetrator
- Parenting Deficits of the Perpetrator
- Economic and Family Contextual Risk Factors
- Characteristics of Children Who Are Physically Abused
- Consequences Associated With Child Physical Abuse
- Medical and Neurological Problems
- • Box 3.3 What Can Be Done to Prevent Child Fatalities?
- Cognitive Problems
- Behavioral and Socioemotional Problems
- Risk and Protective Factors Associated With Abuse Effects
- Intervention and Prevention of Child Physical Abuse
- Focusing on Physically Abused Children
- Focusing on Physically Abusive Adults
- Parent Training and Support Efforts
- Focusing on Communities
- Improving Community Environments
- Public Awareness Campaigns
- Law and Policy
- Chapter Summary
- Recommended Resources
- Case History: Sashim’s Secret
- Scope of the Problem
- What Is Child Sexual Abuse?
- Conceptual Issues in Defining CSA
- Culturally and Developmentally Normative Sexual Behavior
- Legal Perspectives in Defining CSA
- • Box 4.1 Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
- An Operational Definition of CSA
- How Common Is Child Sexual Abuse?
- What Is Child Sexual Abuse?
- Risk Factors Associated With Child Sexual Abuse
- Characteristics of Children Who Are Sexually Abused
- Characteristics of Individuals Who Sexually Abuse Children
- Demographic Characteristics
- Relationship to the Abused Child
- Mental Health and Psychological Deficits
- • Box 4.2 CSA in Faith-Based Organizations: The Catholic Church
- Modus Operandi of Offenders
- • Box 4.3 Exploitation Over the Internet
- Family and Cultural Risk Factors
- Socioeconomic Characteristics
- Family Characteristics
- Societal Attitudes
- Integrative Theories Explaining CSA
- Consequences Associated With Child Sexual Abuse
- The Negative Effects of CSA
- Risk and Protective Factors Associated With CSA Effects
- Intervention and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse
- Treatment for Children and Adults
- Interventions for Children and Nonoffending Parents
- Interventions for Adults Sexually Abused as Children
- Interventions for Offenders
- Prevention of CSA
- Education Programs for Children
- The Parental Role in Child Empowerment
- Perpetration Prevention
- Training Professionals
- Treatment for Children and Adults
- Case History: Will and Mark: “Where Are the Parents?”
- Scope of the Problem
- What Is Child Neglect?
- Proposed Subtypes of Child Neglect
- • Box 5.1 Neglecting the Unborn Child
- Estimates of Child Neglect
- Risk Factors Associated With Child Neglect
- Characteristics of Neglected Children
- Characteristics of Neglecting Parents
- Social Ecological Factors
- Protective Factors and Resilience
- Consequences Associated With Child Neglect
- The Immediate Impact of Child Neglect
- Long-Term Outcomes
- • Box 5.2 ACEs Research
- Intervention and Prevention of Child Neglect
- The Role of Child Protective Services
- • Box 5.3 Family Preservation Versus Out-of-Home Care
- Out-of-Home Care
- Intervention and Prevention Strategies Aimed at Families
- Law and Policy
- Chapter Summary
- Recommended Resources
- Case History: Tough Love or Child Psychological Maltreatment?
- Scope of the Problem
- What Is Child Psychological Maltreatment?
- Proposed Subtypes of Child Psychological Maltreatment
- • Box 6.1 Is Children’s Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence a Form of Child Psychological Maltreatment?
- Legal Issues
- Estimates of Child Psychological Maltreatment
- Risk Factors Associated With Child Psychological Maltreatment
- Characteristics of Psychologically Maltreated Children
- Characteristics of Psychologically Maltreating Parents
- Family and Community Risk Factors
- Consequences Associated With Child Psychological Maltreatment
- Short-Term Effects
- Long-Term Effects
- Intervention and Prevention of Child Psychological Maltreatment
- Interventions for Psychologically Maltreated Children
- Interventions to Enhance Sensitive Parenting
- The Role of Schools and Day Cares
- Public Engagement and Education
- • Box 6.2 The American Psychological Association’s Division 37 Section on Child Maltreatment
- Chapter Summary
- Recommended Resources
- Case History: Troy “Likes” Tonya
- Peer Sexual Harassment
- Prevalence of Peer Sexual Harassment
- Risk Factors Associated With Peer Sexual Harassment
- Consequences of Peer Sexual Harassment
- Prevention and Intervention Strategies
- Technology-Facilitated Peer Harassment
- Rape and Sexual Assault
- Prevalence of Rape and Sexual Assault
- • Box 7.1 How We Ask the Questions Makes a Difference in the Answers We Receive
- Risk Factors Associated With Rape and Sexual Assault
- Consequences of Rape and Sexual Assault
- Prevention and Intervention Strategies
- Teen Dating Violence and Stalking
- Prevalence of Teen Dating Violence and Stalking
- Risk Factors Associated With Teen Dating Violence and Stalking
- Consequences of Teen Dating Violence and Stalking
- Intervention and Prevention Strategies
- Chapter Summary
- Recommended Resources
- Case History: Shelby and Marcus: A Deadly Outcome
- Scope of the Problem
- What Is IPV?
- Estimates of IPV
- Risk Factors Associated With IPV Victimization
- Sex
- Age
- Race and Ethnicity
- Socioeconomic Status
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- Immigration Status
- Military Status
- Consequences of IPV for Victims
- Physical and Mental Health Consequences of IPV for Victims
- • Box 8.1 Marital Rape
- Economic Consequences of IPV Victimization
- Interventions and Prevention of IPV Focusing on Victims
- • Box 8.2 Common Obstacles to Leaving an Abusive Partner
- Shelters and Other Victim Services
- Health Care Responses to IPV Victims
- • Box 8.3 Safety Planning
- Responses by the Police and the Legal System
- Chapter Summary
- Recommended Resources
- Case History: Maria and Victor: “I Am Not a Batterer!”
- Scope of the Problem
- Defining IPV Perpetration
- Estimates of IPV Perpetration
- Risk Factors Associated With IPV Perpetration
- Sex and Sexual Orientation
- • Box 9.1 Assessing Dangerousness
- Age, Race and Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status
- Psychological Functioning
- Substance Use
- Family of Origin Abuse
- Attitudes and Beliefs Supportive of IPV
- High-Risk Communities
- Intervention and Prevention of IPV Perpetration
- The Police and Legal System Response
- • Box 9.2 The Problem of Dual Arrests
- Restorative Justice as an Alternative to the Criminal Justice System
- Batterer Intervention Programs
- Prevention Approaches Focused on IPV Perpetration
- Chapter Summary
- Recommended Resources
- Intimate Abuse of People With Disabilities
- Case History: Julie’s Dilemma
- Defining Intimate Abuse of People With Disabilities
- Estimates of Intimate Abuse of People With Disabilities
- Risk Factors Associated With Intimate Abuse of People With Disabilities
- Consequences of Intimate Abuse of People With Disabilities
- Interventions for Intimate Abuse of People With Disabilities
- • Box 10.1 Promoting Safety Among People With Disabilities
- Intimate Abuse of the Elderly
- Case History: Marjorie Becomes a Parent Again at Age 68
- Defining Intimate Abuse of the Elderly
- Estimates of Intimate Abuse of the Elderly
- Risk Factors Associated With Intimate Abuse of the Elderly
- Consequences of Intimate Abuse of Elderly Victims
- Intervention and Prevention of Intimate Abuse of the Elderly
- Chapter Summary
- Recommended Resources
- VMIR Rates Are Declining!
- What Do We Value?
- What Can We Do?
- Take a Stand Against Culturally Accepted Violence
- Normative Violence
- • Box 11.1 Ten Myths That Perpetuate Corporal Punishment
- The Media and Violence
- Minimize Opportunity
- Pay Attention and Step Up
- Get Involved
- • Box 11.2 The 2014 White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault
- Take a Stand Against Culturally Accepted Violence
- Chapter Summary
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 9798
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380