Sociology of Families: Change, Continuity, and Diversity offers students an engaging introduction to sociological thinking about contemporary families in the United States. By incorporating discussions of diversity and inequality into every chapter, author Teresa Ciabattari highlights how structures of inequality based on social divisions such as gender, race, and sexuality shape the institution of the family.
- Höfundur: Teresa Ciabattari
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-07-29
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781544342429
- Print ISBN: 9781544342436
- ISBN 10: 154434242X
- About the Author
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Sociological Perspective on Families
- Family Change, Family Continuity
- Family Diversity and Inequality
- Gender
- Race
- Social Class
- Sexuality
- Structures of Inequality
- A Demographic Snapshot of the U.S. Population
- Looking Ahead
- Chapter 2 Defining Family
- The Standard North American Family and the Ideology of Separate Spheres
- Defining Family: Four Approaches
- 1. Family as Structure
- 2. Family as Household
- 3. Family Roles
- 4. Family as Interaction: Doing Family
- Defining Family: A Summary
- How Americans Define Family
- Extended Families
- Diversity and Inequality Among Extended Families
- Change, Continuity, and Diversity in Defining Families
- Chapter 3 Sociological Methods and Theories in the Study of Families
- Scientific Method
- Micro and Macro Approaches to Studying Families
- Research Methods
- Theoretical Frameworks in the Sociology of Families
- Structural-Functionalism
- Conflict Theory
- Symbolic Interactionism
- Feminist Theories
- Social Exchange Theory
- Life Course Theory
- Change, Continuity, and Diversity in Family Methods and Theories
- Chapter 4 Young Adults and the Transition to Adulthood
- Defining the Transition to Adulthood
- Transition to Adulthood in Historical Context
- Transition to Adulthood in the Early 21st Century
- Economic Uncertainty and Higher Education
- Changing Patterns of Family Formation
- Changing Relationships With Parents
- Young Adult Sexuality and Romantic Partnerships
- Dating in Historical Context
- Decline of Dating and the Rise of Hookup Culture
- Sexual Activity
- Hooking Up
- Change, Continuity, and Diversity in the Transition to Adulthood
- Marriage and Divorce in Historical Context
- Institutional Marriage
- Companionate Marriage
- Individualized Marriage
- Contemporary Coupling
- Cohabitation
- Nonmarital Fertility
- Same-Sex Marriage
- Marriage Markets
- Marriage, Cohabitation, and Education
- Marriage, Cohabitation, and Race and Ethnicity
- Change, Continuity, and Diversity in Marriage and Cohabitation
- Rising––and Declining—Divorce
- Demography of Divorce
- Education
- Race and Ethnicity
- Family of Origin
- Age at Marriage
- Timing of First Birth
- Heterogamy
- Remarriages
- Dissolution of Same-Sex Relationships
- The Process of Uncoupling
- Legal Divorce
- Parental Divorce
- Financial Divorce
- Emotional and Social Divorce
- Relationship Dissolution and Children
- Relationship Dissolution Among Unmarried Parents
- Supporting Children When Parents Break Up
- Economic Support
- Reducing Conflict
- Effective Parenting
- Relationships With Fathers
- Fewer Transitions
- Remarriage and Blended Families
- Change, Continuity, and Diversity in Divorce and Relationship Dissolution
- Ideologies of Childhood in the 19th Century
- Diversity in Children’s Lives in the 19th Century
- Socialization and Agency
- Constructing Difference: Race and Gender
- Racial Socialization
- Gender Socialization
- Issues in Contemporary Childhood
- How Children Spend Their Time
- Peer Cultures
- Children With Incarcerated Parents
- Diverging Destinies
- Change, Continuity, and Diversity in Childhood
- Parenting in Historical Context
- Fatherhood: Moral Overseer to Breadwinner
- Motherhood: Productivity to Domesticity
- Issues in Contemporary Parenting
- Demographic Patterns in Fertility
- Time With Children
- Parenting as a Gendered Practice
- Mothering
- Fathering
- The Construction of Gendered Parenting
- Parenting Ideologies and Social Class
- Immigrant and Transnational Parenting
- LGBTQ Parenting
- Opting Out of Parenthood
- Change, Continuity, and Diversity in Parenting
- Ideology of Separate Spheres
- Defining Care Work
- Empirical Patterns in Employment, Housework, and Childcare
- Women’s Employment Before 1950
- Women’s and Men’s Employment Since 1950
- Housework
- Macro-Level Perspectives on Housework
- Childcare
- Work–Family Conflict and Social Policy
- Change, Continuity, and Diversity in Family Work
- Defining Old Age
- Demographic Context
- Romantic Relationships Among Older Adults
- Grandparenting
- Grandparents as Caregivers
- Intergenerational Solidarity and Ambivalence
- Intergenerational Exchanges
- Parents Helping Adult Children
- Adult Children Helping Parents
- Ambivalence, Individualism, and Intergenerational Support
- Family Complexity and Aging Families
- Change, Continuity, and Diversity in the Family Lives of Older Adults
- Violence in American Society
- Defining Violence
- Violence in Families
- Types of Family Violence
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- ACE: Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Intimate Partner Violence
- LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence
- Teen Dating Violence
- Elder Abuse
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Policy Responses to Family Violence
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Foster Care
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Policy Responses to Intimate Partner Violence
- Policy Responses to Elder Abuse
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Change, Continuity, and Diversity in Family Violence
- Defining Family
- Family Change
- Family Continuity
- Family Diversity, Inequality, and Social Policy
- Housing Policy and Family Inequality
- State Welfare Policy and Family Inequality
- Future of American Families
- Economic Inequality and the Growing Class Divide in Families
- Immigration, Race, Ethnicity, and Family Ties
- Unfinished Revolution in Gender and Sexuality
- Change, Continuity, and Diversity in American Families
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16613
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380