Sensation and Perception
Námskeið SÁL416G Skyn- og hugfræði B E-215-HSKY Hugræn sálfræði og skynjunarsálfræði - Höfundar: Jeremy Wolfe, Keith Kluender, Dennis Levi, Linda Bartoshuk, Rachel Herz, Roberta Klatzky, Daniel Mer
4.490 kr.

- SÁL416G Skyn- og hugfræði B
- E-215-HSKY Hugræn sálfræði og skynjunarsálfræði
Sensation & Perception , Sixth Edition, introduces students to their own senses, emphasizing human sensory and perceptual experience and the basic neuroscientific underpinnings of that experience. The authors, specialists in their respective domains, strive to spread their enthusiasm for fundamental questions about the human senses and the impact that answers to those questions can have on medical and societal issues.
- Höfundar: Jeremy Wolfe, Keith Kluender, Dennis Levi, Linda Bartoshuk, Rachel Herz, Roberta Klatzky, Daniel Mer
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-06-15
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9780197624760
- Print ISBN: 9780197551967
- ISBN 10: 0197624766
- Sensation & Perception
- Copyright
- Brief Contents
- About the Authors
- Contents
- Preface
- Digital Resources for Sensation & Perception, International Sixth Edition
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- 1.1 Sensation & Perception: Welcome to Our World
- 1.2 Thresholds and the Dawn of Psychophysics
- Psychophysical Methods
- Scaling Methods
- Signal Detection Theory
- 1.3 Sensory Neuroscience and the Biology of Perception
- Nerves and Specific Nerve Energies
- Neuronal Connections
- Neuronal Firing: The Action Potential
- Neuroimaging
- 1.4 Modelling as a Method: Math and Computation
- Computational Models: Probability, Statistics, and Networks
- Deep Learning
- Summary
- Chapter 2: The First Steps in Vision: From Light to Neural Signals
- 2.1 A Little Light Physics
- 2.2 Eyes That Capture Light
- Focussing Light onto the Retina
- The Retina
- What the Doctor Saw
- Retinal Geography and Function
- 2.3 Dark and Light Adaptation
- Pupil Size
- Photopigment Regeneration
- The Duplex Retina
- Neural Circuitry
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- When Good Retina Goes Bad
- 2.4 Retinal Information Processing
- Light Transduction by Rod and Cone Photoreceptors
- Lateral Inhibition through Horizontal and Amacrine Cells
- Convergence and Divergence of Information via Bipolar Cells
- Communicating to the Brain via Ganglion Cells
- Summary
- 3.1 Visual Acuity: Oh Say, Can You See?
- A Visit to the Eye Doctor
- More Types of Visual Acuity
- Acuity for Low-Contrast Stripes
- Why Sine Wave Gratings?
- 3.2 Retinal Ganglion Cells and Stripes
- 3.3 The Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
- 3.4 The Striate Cortex
- The Topography of the Human Cortex
- Some Perceptual Consequences of Cortical Magnification
- 3.5 Receptive Fields in Striate Cortex
- Orientation Selectivity
- Other Receptive-Field Properties
- Simple and Complex Cells
- Further Complications
- 3.6 Columns and Hypercolumns
- 3.7 Selective Adaptation: The Psychologist’s Electrode
- The Site of Selective Adaptation Effects
- Spatial Frequency–Tuned Pattern Analysers in Human Vision
- 3.8 The Development of Vision
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- The Girl Who Almost Couldn’t See Stripes
- Development of the Contrast Sensitivity Function
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- Summary
- 4.1 From Simple Lines and Edges toProperties of Objects
- 4.2 What and Where Pathways
- 4.3 The Problems of Perceiving and Recognising Objects
- 4.4 Mid-Level Vision
- Finding Edges
- Texture Segmentation and Grouping
- Figure and Ground
- Dealing with Occlusion
- Parts and Wholes
- Odour-Evoked Memory and the Truth behind Aromatherapy
- From Metaphor to Formal Model
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- Material Perception: The Everyday Problem of Knowing What It Is Made Of
- Can We Build It?
- Multiple Recognition Committees?
- Faces: An Illustrative Special Case
- 5.1 Basic Principles of Colour Perception
- Three Steps to Colour Perception
- 5.2 Step 1: Colour Detection
- 5.3 Step 2: Colour Discrimination
- The Principle of Univariance
- The Trichromatic Solution
- Metamers
- The History of Trichromatic Theory
- A Brief Digression into Lights, Filters, and Finger Paints
- From Retina to Brain: Repackaging the Information
- Cone-Opponent Cells in the Retina and LGN
- 5.4 Step 3: Colour Appearance
- Three Numbers, Many Colours
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- Picking Colours
- The Limits of the Rainbow
- Opponent Colours
- Colour in the Visual Cortex
- 5.5 Individual Differences in Colour Perception
- Language and Colour
- Genetic Differences in Colour Vision
- Does Everyone See the Same Colours? The Special Case of Synesthesia
- 5.6 From the Colour of Lights to a World of Colour
- Adaptation and Afterimages
- Colour Constancy
- The Problem with the Illuminant
- Physical Constraints Make Constancy Possible
- 5.7 What Is Colour Vision Good For?
- Summary
- 6.1 Monocular Cues to Three-Dimensional Space
- Pictorial Depth Cues
- Occlusion
- Size and Position Cues
- Aerial Perspective
- Linear Perspective
- Seeing Depth in Pictures
- 6.2 Triangulation Cues to Three-Dimensional Space
- Motion Cues
- Accommodation and Convergence
- 6.3 Binocular Vision and Stereopsis
- Stereoscopes and Stereograms
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- Recovering Stereo Vision
- Random Dot Stereograms
- Using Stereopsis
- Stereoscopic Correspondence
- The Physiological Basis of Stereopsis and Depth Perception
- 6.4 Combining Depth Cues
- The Bayesian Approach Revisited
- Illusions and the Construction of Space
- Binocular Rivalry and Suppression
- 6.5 Development of Binocular Vision and Stereopsis
- Abnormal Visual Experience Can Disrupt Binocular Vision
- Summary
- 7.1 Selection in Space
- The ‘Spotlight’ of Attention
- 7.2 Visual Search
- Feature Searches Are Efficient
- Many Searches Are Inefficient
- Guided Searches in the Real World
- The Binding Problem in Visual Search
- Binding between the Senses
- 7.3 Attending in Time: RSVP and the Attentional Blink
- 7.4 The Physiological Basis of Attention
- Attention Could Enhance Neural Activity
- Attention Could Enhance the Processing of a Specific Type of Stimulus
- Attention and Single Cells
- Attention May Change the Way Neurons Talk to Each Other
- 7.5 Disorders of Visual Attention
- Neglect
- Extinction
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- Selective Attention and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Two Pathways to Scene Perception
- The Nonselective Pathway Computes Ensemble Statistics
- The Nonselective Pathway Computes Scene Gist and Layout—Very Quickly
- Memory for Objects and Scenes Is Amazingly Good
- But … Memory for Objects and Scenes Can Be Amazingly Bad: Change Blindness
- What Do We Actually See?
- 8.1 Motion Aftereffects
- 8.2 Computation of Visual Motion
- Apparent Motion
- The Correspondence Problem: Viewing through an Aperture
- Detection of Global Motion in Area MT
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- The Man Who Couldn’t See Motion
- Second-Order Motion
- 8.3 Using Motion Information
- Going with the Flow: Using Motion Information to Navigate
- Avoiding Imminent Collision: The Tao of Tau
- Something in the Way You Move: Using Motion Information to Identify Objects
- Motion-Induced Blindness (MIB)
- 8.4 Eye Movements
- Physiology and Types of Eye Movements
- Eye Movements and Reading
- Saccadic Suppression and the Comparator
- Updating the Neural Mechanisms forEye Movement Compensation
- 8.5 Development of Motion Perception
- Summary
- 9.1 The Function of Hearing
- 9.2 What Is Sound?
- Basic Qualities of Sound Waves: Frequency and Amplitude
- Sine Waves and Complex Sounds
- 9.3 Basic Structure of the Mammalian Auditory System
- Outer Ear
- Middle Ear
- Inner Ear
- The Auditory Nerve
- Auditory Brain Structures
- 9.4 Basic Operating Characteristics of the Auditory System
- Intensity and Loudness
- Frequency and Pitch
- 9.5 Hearing Loss
- Types of Hearing Loss
- Causes of Hearing Loss
- Treating Hearing Loss
- Using versus Detecting Sound
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- Electronic Ears
- 10.1 Sound Localisation
- Interaural Time Difference
- Interaural Level Difference
- Cones of Confusion
- Pinnae and Head Cues
- Auditory Distance Perception
- Spatial Hearing and Blindness
- 10.2 Complex Sounds
- Hamonics
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- Sounds from Wind Farms
- Timbre
- Attack and Decay
- 10.3 Auditory Scene Analysis
- Spatial, Spectral, and Temporal Segregation
- Grouping by Timbre
- Grouping by Onset
- When Hearing Dominates Vision
- When Sounds Become Familiar
- 10.4 Continuity and Restoration Effects
- Restoration of Complex Sounds
- 10.5 Auditory Attention
- Summary
- 11.1 Music
- Musical Notes
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- Music and Emotion
- Making Music
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- Sonic Seasoning
- Speech Production
- Speech Perception
- Learning to Listen
- Speech in the Brain
- 12.1 Vestibular Contributions
- 12.2 Evolutionary Development and Vestibular Sensation
- 12.3 Modalities and Qualities of Spatial Orientation
- Sensing Angular Motion (‘Rotation’), Linear Motion (‘Translation’), and Tilt
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- The Vestibular System, Virtual Reality, and Motion Sickness
- Basic Qualities of Spatial Orientation: Amplitude and Direction
- 12.4 The Vestibular Organs
- Hair Cells: Mechanical Transducers
- Semicircular Canals
- Otolith Organs
- 12.5 Spatial Orientation Perception
- Rotation Perception
- Translation Perception
- Tilt Perception
- 12.6 Multisensory Integration
- Visual-Vestibular Multisensory Integration
- 12.7 Beyond Multisensory Integration: Active Sensing
- 12.8 Reflexive Vestibular Responses
- Vestibulo-Ocular Responses
- Vestibulo-Autonomic Responses
- Vestibulo-Spinal Responses
- 12.9 Multisensory Spatial Orientation Cortex
- Vestibular Thalamocortical Pathways
- Cortical Influences
- 12.10 When the Vestibular System Goes Bad
- Falls and Vestibular Function
- Mal de Debarquement Syndrome
- Ménière’s Syndrome
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- Amusement Park Rides—Vestibular Physics Is Fun
- 13.1 Physical Inputs to Touch
- Touch Physiology
- Touch Receptors and Neural Fibres
- From Skin to Brain
- Pain
- Neural Plasticity of Somatosensation
- 13.2 Tactile Sensitivity and Acuity
- How Sensitive Are We to Mechanical Pressure?
- How Finely Can We Resolve Spatial Details?
- How Finely Can We Resolve Temporal Details?
- Do People Differ in Tactile Sensitivity?
- 13.3 Haptic Perception
- Perception for Action
- Action for Perception
- The What System of Touch: Perceiving Objects and Their Properties
- The Where System of Touch: Locating Objects
- Tactile Spatial Attention
- Social Touch
- Interactions between Touch and Other Modalities
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- Tangible Phones and Tablets
- 14.1 Taste versus Flavour
- Localising Flavour Sensations: The Role of Taste
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- Volatile-Enhanced Taste: A New Way to Sweeten Foods
- Taste Myth: The Tongue Map
- Taste Buds and Taste Receptor Cells
- Non-Oral Locations for Taste Receptors
- Taste Processing in the Central Nervous System
- Salty
- Sour
- Bitter
- Sweet
- Protein: The Umami Question
- Fat
- Supertasters
- Health Consequences of Variation in Taste Sensations
- Taste
- Flavour
- Is All Olfactory Affect Learned?
- Taste Adaptation and Cross-Adaptation
- The Pleasure of the Burn of Chili Peppers
- 15.1 Olfactory Physiology
- Odours and Odorants
- The Human Olfactory Apparatus
- How Well Do We Smell?
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- Anosmia and Conditions that Affect Olfactory Function
- The Genetic Basis of Olfactory Receptors
- The ‘Feel’ of Scent
- Theories of Olfactory Perception
- The Importance of Patterns
- Is Odour Perception Synthetic or Analytical?
- Nasal Power
- Odour Imagery
- Detection
- Discrimination and Recognition
- Psychophysical Methods for Detection, Discrimination, and Recognition
- Identification: Olfaction and Language
- Individual Differences
- Adaptation
- Cognitive Habituation and Odour Consciousness
- Familiarity and Intensity
- Nature or Nurture?
- An Evolutionary Argument
- Caveats
- The Vomeronasal Organ, Human Pheromones, and Chemosignals
- ● Sensation & Perception in Everyday Life
- Odour-Evoked Memory and the Truth behind Aromatherapy
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 17726
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380