Organizational Behavior, Global Edition
4.890 kr.

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Organizational Behavior provides the information you want, when you want it. Reflecting the most recent research and events within the field of OB, the 19th Edition continues its hallmark focus on clear writing, cutting-edge content, and intuitive pedagogy. There's a reason why Robbins's textbooks have educated millions of students and have been translated into 20 languages: because of a commitment to provide engaging, cutting-edge material that helps you understand and connect with this important field of study.
- Höfundur: Stephen Robbins
- Útgáfa:19
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-01-13
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292449968
- Print ISBN: 9781292450025
- ISBN 10: 1292449969
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- About the Authors
- Pearson’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Part 1: Introduction
- Chapter 1. What Is Organizational Behavior?
- Management and Organizational Behavior
- Who’s Who in the World of Work
- Management Activities
- Management Roles
- Management Skills
- Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities
- Organizational Behavior (OB) Defined
- Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study
- Building on Big Data with Artificial Intelligence
- Myth or Science? Management by Walking Around Is the Most Effective Management
- Disciplines That Contribute to OB
- Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Sociology
- Anthropology
- There Are Few Absolutes in OB
- Challenges and Opportunities
- Workforce Diversity and Inclusion
- Continuing Globalization
- Technology and Social Media
- (Un)ethical Behavior
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Toward a Better World Ben & Jerry’s: The Scoop on What It Takes to Be a CSR-Oriented Company
- Positive Work Environments
- The Gig Economy
- OB During Crises
- Coming Attractions: Developing an OB Model
- An Overview
- Inputs
- Processes
- Outcomes
- An Ethical Choice: What Should You Do If Your Values Do Not Align with Your Company’s?
- Employability Skills
- Employability Skills That Apply Across Majors
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint Business Books: Facts? Or Just Fads?
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: Managing Remote Teams
- Ethical Dilemma: Credit Where Credit Is Due
- Case Incident: Work–Life Balance at R.G. & Company
- Management and Organizational Behavior
- Chapter 1. What Is Organizational Behavior?
- Chapter 2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations
- Understanding Diversity
- Levels of Diversity
- Biographical Characteristics
- Myth or Science? Bald Is Better
- Prejudice and Discrimination in Organizations
- Prejudice and Implicit Bias
- Discrimination, Disparate Impact, and Treatment
- Subtle Discrimination in the Workplace
- Theoretical Perspectives on Prejudice, Discrimination, and Diversity
- Social Categorization
- Stereotyping, Stereotype Threat, and Stigma
- Toward a Better World Hot Chicken Takeover: Putting Restorative Justice into Practice
- System Justification and Social Dominance
- Intersectionality and the Cultural Mosaic
- Diversity Dynamics
- Group Composition
- Fault Lines
- Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior (OB)
- Hofstede’s Framework
- The GLOBE Framework
- Cultural Tightness and Looseness
- Religion
- Expatriate Adjustment
- Cultural Intelligence (CQ)
- Implementing Diversity Management
- An Ethical Choice: Affirmative Action for Unemployed Veterans
- Theoretical Basis Underlying Diversity Management
- Diversity Management Practices
- Cultures and Climates for Diversity
- The Challenge of Diversity Management
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint Using Artificial Intelligence for Hiring Leads to Greater Diversity
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: Differences
- Ethical Dilemma: Should You Question an Employer About Its DEI Policy?
- Case Incident: Encouraging Female Engineers
- Understanding Diversity
- Chapter 3. Job Attitudes
- Attitudes
- Attitudes and Behavior
- Job Attitudes
- Job Satisfaction and Job Involvement
- An Ethical Choice: Office Talk
- Organizational Commitment
- Perceived Organizational Support
- Employee Engagement
- Job Attitudes in the Gig Economy
- Are These Job Attitudes All That Distinct?
- Job Satisfaction
- How Do I Measure Job Satisfaction?
- How Satisfied Are People in Their Jobs?
- What Causes Job Satisfaction?
- Job Conditions
- Personality and Individual Differences
- Pay
- Outcomesof Job Satisfaction
- Job Performance
- Toward a Better World Nvidians: Together Transforming Communities Around the World
- Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
- Customer Satisfaction
- Life Satisfaction
- The Impact of Job Dissatisfaction
- Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB)
- Myth or Science? Happy Workers Means Happy Profits
- Managers Often “Don’t Get It”
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint Earning That Promotion May Be Key to Higher Job Satisfaction
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: Managing Political Views in the Office
- Ethical Dilemma: Tell-All Websites
- Case Incident: Jobs, Money, and Satisfaction
- Chapter 4. Emotions and Moods
- What Are Emotions and Moods?
- Positive and Negative Affect
- The Basic Emotions
- Moral Emotions
- Experiencing Moods and Emotions
- The Function of Emotions
- Sources of Emotions and Moods
- Personality
- Time of Day
- Day of the Week
- Weather
- Stress
- Social Interactions
- Sleep
- Exercise
- Gender Identity
- Emotional Labor
- Controlling Emotional Displays
- Myth or Science? All Employees Experience Emotional Labor in the Same Way
- Affective Events Theory
- Emotional Intelligence
- An Ethical Choice: Should Managers Use Emotional Intelligence (EI) Tests?
- Emotion Regulation
- Emotion Regulation Influences and Outcomes
- Emotion Regulation Techniques
- Ethics of Emotion Regulation
- OB Applications of Emotions and Moods
- The Selection Process
- Decision Making
- Creativity
- Motivation
- Leadership
- Negotiation
- Customer Service
- Work–Life Conflict
- Toward a Better World Scream Agency: Harnessing Customer Emotions to Bolster CSR
- Unethical Workplace Behaviors
- Safety and Injury at Work
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint: Sometimes Yelling Is for Everyone’s Good
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: Mindfulness at Work
- Ethical Dilemma: Data Mining Emotions
- Case Incident Performance Review Shock: Being Told How to Feel and Act
- What Are Emotions and Moods?
- Chapter 5. Personality and Individual Differences
- Linking Individuals to the Workplace
- Person–Job Fit
- Person–Organization Fit
- Other Dimensions of Fit
- Toward a Better World Uber: In the Median or Back on the Road Again?
- Personality
- What Is Personality?
- Personality Frameworks
- The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- The Big Five Personality Model
- The Dark Triad
- Other Frameworks
- An Ethical Choice: Do Certain Personality Traits Make You More Unethical?
- Other Personality Attributes Relevant to OB
- Core Self-Evaluations (CSEs)
- Self-Monitoring
- Proactive Personality
- Myth or Science? We Can Accurately Judge Individuals’ Personalities a Few Seconds After Meeting Th
- Personality and Situations
- Situation Strength Theory
- Trait Activation Theory
- Ability
- Intellectual Abilities
- Physical Abilities
- Values
- Terminal Versus Instrumental Values
- Generational Values
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint: Millennials Are More Narcissistic Than Other Generations
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: Acing the Interview
- Ethical Dilemma: How Long Should You Wait Before Deciding If a Job Is Not a Good Fit?
- Case Incident: Sky Energy
- Linking Individuals to the Workplace
- Chapter 6. Perception and Individual Decision Making
- What Is Perception?
- Factors That Influence Perception
- Person Perception: Making Judgments About Others
- Attribution Theory
- Toward a Better World Volkswagen: Going Green or Just Greenwashing?
- Common Shortcuts in Judging Others
- Specific Applications of Shortcuts in Organizations
- Myth or Science? All Stereotypes Are Negative
- The Link Between Perception and Individual Decision Making
- Decision Making in Organizations
- The Rational Model, Bounded Rationality, and Intuition
- Common Biases and Errors in Decision Making
- Influences on Decision Making: Individual Differences and Organizational Constraints
- Individual Differences
- Organizational Constraints
- Ethics in Decision Making
- Three Ethical Decision Criteria
- Choosing Between Criteria
- Behavioral Ethics
- Lying
- An Ethical Choice: Are We as Ethical as We Think We Are?
- Creativity, Creative Decision Making, and Innovation in Organizations
- Creative Behavior
- Causes of Creative Behavior
- Creative Outcomes (Innovation)
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint: Implicit Assessment
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: Bringing Life to a Food Desert
- Ethical Dilemma Max’s Burgers: The Dollar Value of Ethics
- Case Incident Warning: Collaboration Overload
- What Is Perception?
- Chapter 7. Motivation Concepts
- Motivation Defined
- Classic Theories of Motivation
- Hierarchy of Needs Theory
- Two-Factor Theory
- McClelland’s Theory of Needs
- Contemporary Theories: A Primer
- Contemporary Theories of Motivation: Content-Based
- Self-Determination Theory
- Myth or Science? Work Has to Be Purposeful to Be Motivating
- Regulatory Focus Theory
- Job Engagement Theory
- Contemporary Theories of Motivation: Context-Based
- Reinforcement Theory
- Social Learning Theory
- An Ethical Choice: Motivated by Big Brother
- Contemporary Theories of Motivation: Process-Based
- Expectancy Theory
- Goal-Setting Theory
- Self-Efficacy Theory
- Organizational Justice
- Equity Theory
- Distributive Justice
- Procedural Justice
- Interactional Justice
- Justice Outcomes
- Culture and Justice
- Integrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation
- Toward a Better World Kroger: Zero Hunger, Zero Waste
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint: Feel-Good Messaging Is More Motivating Than Instrumental Messaging
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: How Do You Motivate an Employee?
- Ethical Dilemma: Follies of Reward
- Case Incident: Why Lead by Example?
- Chapter 8. Motivation: From Concepts to Applications
- Motivating by Job Design: The Job Characteristics Model (JCM)
- Elements of the JCM
- Efficacy of the JCM
- Motivating Potential Score (MPS)
- Job Redesign
- Job Rotation and Job Enrichment
- Relational Job Design
- Alternative Work Arrangements
- Flextime
- Myth or Science? Job Crafting Is a Practical Way to Reduce Boredom and Burnout
- Job Sharing
- Telecommuting
- Employee Involvement
- Examplesof Employee Involvement Programs (EIP)
- Cultural Considerations in Implementing EIP Programs
- Using Extrinsic Rewards to Motivate Employees
- What to Pay: Establishing a Pay Structure
- How to Pay: Rewarding Individual Employees Through Variable-Pay Programs
- An Ethical Choice: Workers’ Cooperatives
- Using Benefits to Motivate Employees
- Flexible Benefits: Developing a Benefits Package
- Toward a Better World Sociabble Trees: Rewarding Through Reforestation
- Using Intrinsic Rewards to Motivate Employees
- Employee Recognition Programs
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint Gainsharing: Fair Shares?
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: Developing an Organizational Development and Compensation Plan for Automotive
- Ethical Dilemma: Playing Favorites?
- Case Incident: JP Transport
- Motivating by Job Design: The Job Characteristics Model (JCM)
- Chapter 9. Foundations of Group Behavior
- Defining and Classifying Groups
- Social Identity
- Stages of Group Development
- Group Property 1: Roles
- Role Perception
- Role Expectations
- Role Conflict
- Myth or Science? Gossip and Exclusion Are Toxic for Groups
- Group Property 2: Norms
- Norms and Emotions
- Norms and Conformity
- Norms and Behavior
- Positive Norms and Group Outcomes
- Negative Norms and Group Outcomes
- Norms and Culture
- Group Property 3: Status and Group Property 4: Size and Dynamics
- Group Property 3: Status
- An Ethical Choice: Managing a Narcissist in the Group
- Group Property 4: Size and Dynamics
- Group Property 5: Cohesion
- Toward a Better World Whirlpool: Building Cohesion Through Volunteering
- Group Decision Making
- Groups Versus the Individual
- Groupthink and Groupshift
- Group Decision-Making Techniques
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint: Conformity Is Counterproductive and Should Be Avoided
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise Surviving the Wild: Join a Group or Go It Alone?
- Ethical Dilemma: Follow the Leader?
- Case Incident: Cultural Context and Group Dynamics
- Defining and Classifying Groups
- Chapter 10. Understanding Work Teams
- Differences Between Groups and Teams
- Types of Teams
- Problem-Solving Teams
- Self-Managed Work Teams
- Cross-Functional Teams
- Virtual Teams
- Multiteam Systems
- An Ethical Choice: The Size of Your Meeting’s Carbon Footprint
- Creating Effective Teams
- Team Context
- Team Composition
- Toward a Better World Hershey: Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Through Groups and Teams
- Team Processes and States
- Myth or Science? Teams Should Practice Collective Mindfulness
- Turning Groups of Employees into Teams
- Selecting: Hiring for Team Effectiveness
- Training: Creating Effective Teams
- Rewarding: Providing Incentives for Exceptional Teams
- Beware! Teams Aren’t Always the Answer
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint: Team Building Exercises Are a Waste of Time
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: Should You Use Self-Managed Teams?
- Ethical Dilemma: When Your Cycling Skills Matter!
- Case Incident: Psychological Safety and Team Effectiveness
- Chapter 11. Communication
- Interpersonal Communication
- Oral Communication
- Myth or Science? Better Listening Is the Key to Better Working Relationships
- Written Communication
- Nonverbal Communication
- Choosing Communication Methods
- Choosing Communication Methods
- Handling Barriers to Effective Communication
- Toward a Better World Mobile Citizen and Mobile Beacon: Two Companies Enhancing Access to Smartphone
- Advancements in Virtual Communication
- Videoconferencing
- Blogging, Vlogging, and Podcasting
- E-collaboration and E-learning
- The Currency of Virtual Communication: Emojis, Usernames, Selfies, and More
- Smartphones, Social Media, and Cybersecurity
- Smartphones (and Other Smart Devices)
- Social Media
- An Ethical Choice: What Should You Do If an Employee Is Being Cyberbullied or Harassed Online?
- Cybersecurity
- Cross-Cultural Communication
- Cultural Context
- The Interface Between Cultures
- Aspects of Cultural Communication
- A Guide to Cross-Cultural Communication
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint: Work Friendships Are Not a Good Idea
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: Choosing the Right Modes of Communication
- Ethical Dilemma: BYOD
- Case Incident: How Do You Communicate That You Are Passionate During an Interview?
- Interpersonal Communication
- Chapter 12. Leadership
- Trait Theories
- Personality Traits and Leadership
- Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
- Behavioral Theories
- Initiating Structure
- Consideration
- An Ethical Choice: The Ethics of Nudging
- Summary of Trait Theories and Behavioral Theories
- Contingency Theories
- The Fiedler Model
- Situational Leadership Theory
- Follower Contingency Theories
- Leading in Times of Crisis
- Positive Leadership Styles and Relationships
- Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) Theory
- Charismatic Leadership
- The Full Range Leadership Model
- Integrating and Evaluating Positive Leadership Styles
- The (Un)ethical Aspects of Leadership
- Authentic Leadership
- Toward a Better World: The Institute for Corporate Social Responsibility (iCSR): Training Leaders to
- (Un)ethical Leadership
- Servant Leadership
- Abusive Supervision
- Leadership and Trust
- Trust
- Challenges and Opportunities to Our Understanding of Leadership
- Leadership Challenges
- Leadership Opportunities
- Myth or Science? Leaders Can Be Trained
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint: CEOs Start Early
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: What’s in a Leader?
- Ethical Dilemma: Innocent, but What About Trust?
- Case Incident Andrea Illy: Leading a Family Company Responsibly
- Trait Theories
- Chapter 13. Power and Politics
- Power and Leadership
- Bases of Power
- Formal Power
- Personal Power
- Which Bases of Power Are Most Effective?
- Dependence: The Key to Power
- The General Dependence Postulate
- What Creates Dependence?
- Formal Small-Group Networks
- Social Network Analysis: A Tool for Assessing Resource Dependence
- Influence Tactics
- Using Influence Tactics
- Automatic and Controlled Processing of Influence
- Applying Influence Tactics
- Towarda Better World Old Mutual: Realizing a Sustainability Vision Through Influence
- How Power Affects People
- Power Dynamics
- Sexual Harassment: Unequal Power in the Workplace
- Politics: Power in Action
- Political Behavior
- The Reality of Politics
- Gossip and the Grapevine
- The Causes and Consequences of Political Behavior
- Factors Contributing to Political Behavior
- Factors Contributing to Political Behavior Acquiescence
- How Do People Respond to Organizational Politics?
- Myth or Science? Office Politics Should Be Avoided Altogether
- Voice and Silence
- Impression Management
- An Ethical Choice: How Much Should You Manage Interviewer Impressions?
- The Ethics of Behaving Politically
- Mapping Your Political Career
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint: Emphasize the Strategies Women Can Use to Get Ahead
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: The Turnaround Task Force
- Ethical Dilemma: Sexual Harassment and Office Romances
- Case Incident: Imperium Omni
- Chapter 14. Conflict and Negotiation
- A Definition of Conflict
- (Dys)functional Conflict
- Types of Conflict
- Loci of Conflict
- The Conflict Process
- Stage I: Potential Opposition or Incompatibility
- Stage II: Cognition and Personalization
- Stage III: Intentions
- Stage IV: Behavior
- Stage V: Outcomes
- Managing Conflict
- Negotiation
- Bargaining Strategies
- The Negotiation Process
- Preparation and Planning
- Definition of Ground Rules
- Clarification and Justification
- Bargaining and Problem Solving
- Closure and Implementation
- Myth or Science? Good Negotiators Rely on Intuition
- Individual Differences in Negotiation Effectiveness
- Personality Traits in Negotiations
- Moods and Emotions in Negotiations
- Culture and Race in Negotiations
- Gender in Negotiations
- Negotiating in a Social Context
- Reputation
- Toward a Better World ALDI: Downstream Environmental and Social Implications of Supplier Negotiation
- Relationships
- An Ethical Choice: Ethical Challenges in Negotiation
- Third-Parties in Negotiations
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint: Nonunion Positions and the Gig Economy Are Bad for Workers
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: A Negotiation Role Play
- Ethical Dilemma: To Intervene or Not to Intervene?
- Case Incident: Disorderly Conduct
- A Definition of Conflict
- Chapter 15. Foundations of Organization Structure
- What Is Organizational Structure?
- Work Specialization
- Departmentalization
- Chain of Command
- Span of Control
- Centralization and Decentralization
- Formalization
- Boundary Spanning
- Common Organizational Frameworks and Structures
- The Simple Structure
- The Bureaucracy
- Myth or Science? Bureaucracy Is the Enemy of Innovation and Productivity
- The Matrix Structure
- Newer Trends in Organizational Design
- The Virtual Structure
- The Team Structure
- An Ethical Choice: Flexible Structures, Deskless Workplaces
- The Circular Structure
- The Leaner Organization: Downsizing
- Why Do Structures Differ?
- Organizational Strategies
- Toward a Better World Grove Collaborative: Innovating in the CSR and Sustainability Market Space
- Organization Size
- Technology
- Environment
- Institutions
- Organizational Designs and Employee Behavior
- Span of Control
- Centralization
- Predictability Versus Autonomy
- National Culture
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint: Open-Air Offices Inspire Creativity and Enhance Productivity
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: Remote Work
- Ethical Dilemma: The Ethics of Layoffs
- Case Incident Kuuki: Reading the Atmosphere
- What Is Organizational Structure?
- Chapter 16. Organizational Culture and Change
- What Is Organizational Culture?
- A Definition of Organizational Culture
- Do Organizations Have Uniform Cultures?
- Strong Versus Weak Cultures
- Myth or Science? An Organization’s Culture Is Forever
- How Employees Learn Culture
- Stories
- Rituals
- Symbols
- Language
- An Ethical Choice: A Culture of Compassion
- Creating and Sustaining Culture
- How a Culture Begins
- Keeping a Culture Alive
- What Do Cultures Do?
- The Functions of Culture
- Culture Creates Climate
- Culture as an Asset
- Toward a Better World Morgan Stanley: Sustainable and Ethical Organizational Cultures Influence Inve
- Culture as a Liability
- Influencing Organizational Cultures
- Developing a Positive Culture
- Developing an Ethical Culture
- Developing an Innovative Culture
- Change
- The Nature of Change
- Resistance to Change
- The Politics of Change
- Approaches to Managing Organizational Change
- Lewin’s Three-Step Model
- Kotter’s Eight-Step Plan
- Action Research
- Organizational Development
- The Change Paradox
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint: Organizational Change Management Is Not Worth the Effort
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: Culture Architects
- Ethical Dilemma: Toxic Culture
- Case Incident: Culture of Fear
- What Is Organizational Culture?
- Chapter 17. Human Resource Systems and Practices
- Recruitment
- Applicant Attraction
- The Ubiquity of Referral Hiring
- The Role of Recruiters
- Realistic Job Previews
- Selection
- How the Selection Process Works
- Initial Selection
- Substantive and Contingent Selection
- Written Tests
- Performance-Simulation Tests
- Interviews
- Contingent Selection Tests
- Training and Development
- Training Content
- Training Methods
- Evaluating Effectiveness
- Performance Management
- What Do We Evaluate?
- Who Should Do the Evaluating?
- Methods of Performance Evaluation
- Improving Performance Evaluations
- An Ethical Choice: Eliminating Bias from Performance Reviews
- Providing Performance Feedback
- Myth or Science? The 24-Hour Workplace Is Harmful
- Accessible Workplaces
- Accommodations for Physical Disabilities
- Accommodations for Hidden Disabilities
- Human Resources (HR) Leadership
- Toward a Better World Kawasaki: Learning from Each Other at Takumi Juku and Manabiya
- Communicating HR Practices
- Drafting and Enforcing Employment Policies
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint: Employers Should Check Applicants’ Criminal Backgrounds
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: Designing a Virtual Assessment Center Exercise
- Ethical Dilemma: Should I Pay the Staff More and Reduce the Company’s Profit?
- Case Incident: Fired via Video Message
- Recruitment
- Chapter 18. Stress and Health in Organizations
- The Nature of Stress in Organizations
- Stressors
- Strain
- Eustress
- Physical Health at Work
- Sleep
- Illness and Injury
- Myth or Science? When You Are Working Hard, Sleep Is Optional
- Mental Health at Work
- Job Insecurity
- Toward a Better World Freelancers Union: Advocating for Gig Workers Faced with Consistent Job Insecu
- Workaholism
- Psychological Distress at Work
- Mechanisms of Health and Stress
- Conservation of Resources
- Effort-Reward Imbalance Model
- Job Demand-Control-Support Model
- Job Demands-Resources Model
- Work–Life Balance
- The State of Work–Life Balance: A New Normal?
- Work–Life Boundaries
- Work–Life Spillover
- Flexible and Supportive Policies
- Managing Stress and Health
- Individual Approaches
- An Ethical Choice: Talking About Mental Health Without Overstepping Boundaries
- Organizational Approaches
- Summary
- Implications for Managers
- Point/Counterpoint: Companies Should Encourage Stress Reduction
- Questions for Review
- Experiential Exercise: Micro-Stressors
- Ethical Dilemma: The Fear of Redundancy and Ceasing Operations
- Case Incident: Burnout Despite Flexibility: Working Parents and COVID-19
- The Nature of Stress in Organizations
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Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
Rafbók til eignar þarf að hlaða niður á þau tæki sem þú vilt nota innan eins árs frá því bókin er keypt.
Þú kemst í bækurnar hvar sem er
Þú getur nálgast allar raf(skóla)bækurnar þínar á einu augabragði, hvar og hvenær sem er í bókahillunni þinni. Engin taska, enginn kyndill og ekkert vesen (hvað þá yfirvigt).
Auðvelt að fletta og leita
Þú getur flakkað milli síðna og kafla eins og þér hentar best og farið beint í ákveðna kafla úr efnisyfirlitinu. Í leitinni finnur þú orð, kafla eða síður í einum smelli.
Glósur og yfirstrikanir
Þú getur auðkennt textabrot með mismunandi litum og skrifað glósur að vild í rafbókina. Þú getur jafnvel séð glósur og yfirstrikanir hjá bekkjarsystkinum og kennara ef þeir leyfa það. Allt á einum stað.
Hvað viltu sjá? / Þú ræður hvernig síðan lítur út
Þú lagar síðuna að þínum þörfum. Stækkaðu eða minnkaðu myndir og texta með multi-level zoom til að sjá síðuna eins og þér hentar best í þínu námi.
Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5912
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 380