Measurement Theory and Applications for the Social Sciences

- PRÓ0176110 Próffræði
Which types of validity evidence should be considered when determining whether a scale is appropriate for a given measurement situation? What about reliability evidence? Using clear explanations illustrated by examples from across the social and behavioral sciences, this engaging text prepares students to make effective decisions about the selection, administration, scoring, interpretation, and development of measurement instruments.
Coverage includes the essential measurement topics of scale development, item writing and analysis, and reliability and validity, as well as more advanced topics such as exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, item response theory, diagnostic classification models, test bias and fairness, standard setting, and equating. End-of-chapter exercises (with answers) emphasize both computations and conceptual understanding to encourage readers to think critically about the material.
- Höfundur: Deborah L. Bandalos
- Útgáfudagur: 2017-12-12
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781462532148
- Print ISBN: 9781462532131
- ISBN 10: 1462532144
- Half Title Page
- Series Page
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Series Editor’s Note
- Preface
- Contents
- Part I. Instrument Development and Analysis
- 1. Introduction
- Problems in Social Science Measurement
- What is Measurement Theory?
- Measurement Defined
- The Nominal Level of Measurement
- The Ordinal Level of Measurement
- The Interval Level of Measurement
- The Ratio Level of Measurement
- Criticisms of Stevens’s Levels of Measurement
- A Brief History of Testing
- The Chinese Civil Service Examinations
- Testing in Ancient Greece
- Early European Testing
- Testing in the United States
- Testing in Business and Industry
- Personality Assessment
- Summary
- Exercises
- 2. Norms and Standardized Scores
- Which to Use?
- Norm Groups
- Important Characteristics of the Norm Group: The “Three R’s”
- Types of Norm-referenced Scores
- Percentile Ranks
- Standardized and Normalized Scores
- Stanines
- Normal Curve Equivalents
- Developmental-Level Scores
- Criterion-Referenced Testing
- Summary
- Exercises
- 3. The Test Development Process
- Steps in Scale Development
- State the Purpose of the Scale
- Identify and Define the Domain
- Determine Whether a Measure Already Exists
- Determine the Item Format
- Write Out the Testing Objectives
- Create the Initial Item Pool
- Conduct the Initial Item Review
- Conduct Preliminary Item Tryouts
- Conduct a Large-Scale Field Test of Items
- Prepare Guidelines for Administration
- Summary
- Exercises
- Steps in Scale Development
- 4. Writing Cognitive Items
- Objective Item Types
- Multiple-Choice Items
- True–False Items
- Matching Items
- Short-Answer or Completion Items
- Performance Assessments
- Essay Questions
- Performance Tasks
- Summary
- Exercises
- Objective Item Types
- 5. Writing Noncognitive Items
- Noncognitive Item Types
- Thurstone Scaling
- Likert Scaling
- Guttman Scaling
- Theories of Item Responding
- The Cognitive Process Model of Responding
- Item Responses as Social Encounters
- Problems in Measuring Noncognitive Outcomes
- Response Distortion
- Managing Response Distortion
- Practical Issues in Noncognitive Scale Construction
- Number of Scale Points
- Labeling of Response Options
- Inclusion of Negatively Oriented Items
- Including a Neutral Option
- Summary
- Exercises
- Noncognitive Item Types
- 6. Item Analysis for Cognitive and Noncognitive Items
- Item Analysis for Cognitive Items
- Item Difficulty
- Item Discrimination
- Evaluating the Distractors for Multiple-Choice Items
- Corrections for Guessing
- Summary of Analyses for Cognitive Items
- Item Analysis for Noncognitive Items
- Frequency Distributions and Descriptive Statistics
- Interitem Correlations
- Item–Total Correlations and Information from Reliability Analyses
- Group Comparisons
- Factor Analytic Methods
- Summary of Analyses for Noncognitive Items
- Use of Item Analysis Information
- Exercises
- Item Analysis for Cognitive Items
- 1. Introduction
- 7. Introduction to Reliability and the Classical Test Theory Model
- What Is Reliability?
- Measurement Error and CTT
- More on CTT
- Properties of True and Error Scores in CTT
- The CTT Definition of Reliability
- Correlation between True and Observed Scores: The Reliability Index
- Parallel, Tau-Equivalent, and Congeneric Measures
- Reliability as the Correlation between Scores on Parallel Tests
- Summary
- Exercises
- 8. Methods of Assessing Reliability
- Internal Consistency
- Reliability of a Composite
- The Spearman–Brown Prophecy Formula and Split-Half Reliability
- Coefficient Alpha
- Other Internal Consistency Coefficients
- Recommended Values for Internal Consistency Indices
- Factors Affecting Internal Consistency Coefficient Values
- Computational Examples for Coefficient Alpha
- Test–Retest Reliability
- Factors Affecting Coefficients of Stability
- Recommended Values for Coefficients of Stability
- Alternate Forms Reliability
- Factors Affecting Coefficients of Equivalence
- Recommended Values for Coefficients of Equivalence
- Combining Alternate Forms and Test–Retest Reliability
- Factors Affecting Coefficients of Equivalence and Stability
- Recommended Values for Coefficients of Equivalence and Stability
- The Standard Error of Measurement
- Factors Affecting the SEM
- Using the SEM to Place Confidence Intervals around Scores
- Sample Dependence of Reliability Coefficients and the SEM
- Reliability of Difference Scores
- Summary
- Exercises
- Internal Consistency
- 9. Interrater Agreement and Reliability
- Measures of Interrater Agreement
- Nominal Agreement
- Cohen’s Kappa
- Measures of Interrater Reliability
- Coefficient Alpha
- Intraclass Correlation
- Summary
- Exercises
- Measures of Interrater Agreement
- 10. Generalizability Theory
- Basic Concepts and Terminology
- Facets, Objects of Measurement, and Universe Scores
- Crossed and Nested Facets
- Random and Fixed Facets
- G Studies and D Studies
- The G Theory Model
- Computation of Variance Components
- Computation of Variance Components for a One-Facet Design
- Computation of Variance Components for a Two-Facet Design
- Variance Components for Nested Designs
- Variance Components for Designs with Fixed Facets
- Decision Studies
- Relative and Absolute Interpretations
- Calculating the G and Phi Coefficients
- Use of the D Study to Determine the Optimal Test Design
- Decision Studies with Nested or Fixed Facets
- Summary
- Exercises
- 11. Validity
- Validity Defined
- Traditional Forms of Validity Evidence: A Historical Perspective
- Original Validity Types
- Arguments against the “Tripartite” View of Validity
- Current Conceptualizations of Validity
- The Unified View of Validity
- Focus on Interpretation and Use of Test Scores
- Focus on Explanation and Cognitive Models
- Inclusion of Values and Test Consequences in the Validity Framework
- Obtaining Evidence of Validity
- Introduction to the Argument-Based Approach to Validity
- Types of Validity Evidence
- Summary
- Exercises
- 12. Exploratory Factor Analysis
- The EFA–CFA Distinction
- The EFA Model
- The EFA Model: Diagrammatic Form
- The EFA Model: Equation Form
- Steps in Conducting EFA
- Extracting the Factors
- Determining the Number of Factors to Retain
- Rotating the Factors
- Interpreting the Factors
- Data Requirements for EFA
- Sample-Size Requirements
- Summary
- Exercises
- 13. Confirmatory Factor Analysis
- Differences between Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses
- Advantages of CFA
- CFA Model and Equations
- Steps in Conducting a CFA
- Model Specification
- Model Identification
- Estimation of Model Parameters
- Model Testing
- Respecification of the Model
- Data Preparation and CFA Assumptions
- Normality of Variable Distributions
- Variable Scales
- Outliers
- Missing Data
- Sampling Method
- Sample Size
- CFA-Based Reliability Estimation
- Tests of Parameter Estimate Equivalence
- Calculation of Coefficient Omega
- Summary
- Exercises
- 14. Item Response Theory
- Item Response Functions for IRT
- IRT Models
- The One-Parameter Logistic Model
- The Two-Parameter Logistic Model
- The Three-Parameter Logistic Model
- IRT Models for Polytomous Items
- Indeterminacy and Scaling
- Scaling for the Rasch Model
- Scaling for the 2PL and 3PL Models
- Invariance of Parameter Estimates
- Estimation
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Bayesian Estimation Methods
- Sample Size Requirements
- Information, Standard Error of Measurement, and Reliability
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- EAP Estimation
- IRT Assumptions
- Correct Dimensionality
- Local Independence
- Functional Form
- IRT Applications
- Test Form Assembly
- Equating
- Computer Adaptive Testing Applications
- Differential Item Functioning Applications
- Summary
- Exercises
- 15. Diagnostic Classification Models
- Categorical Latent Variables for DCMs
- When to Use DCMs
- Attribute Profiles
- Diagnostic Classification Model: A Confirmatory Latent Class Model
- The Latent Class Model
- IRFs for DCMs
- The Log-Linear Cognitive Diagnosis Model: A General DCM
- Link Functions for DCMs
- The Q-Matrix
- IRF for Complex Structure Items
- Fully Extending the IRF for the LCDM
- Other General DCMs
- Submodels of the LCDM
- The Deterministic Inputs Noisy And Gate Model
- The Compensatory Reparameterized Unified Model
- The Deterministic Inputs Noisy Or Gate Model
- Other Models
- Which Model Should I Use?
- Examinee Classifications
- Summary
- Exercises
- 16. Bias, Fairness, and Legal Issues in Testing
- Impact, Item and Test Bias, Differential Item Functioning, and Fairness Defined
- Detecting Test and Item Bias
- Test Bias
- Item Bias
- Choosing a DIF Detection Method
- Purification of the Matching Variable
- Interpretation of DIF and Test Bias
- DIF as Construct-Irrelevant Variance
- Sources of Test Bias
- Test Fairness
- Universal Design
- Accommodations and Modifications
- Need for More Research on DIF and Test Bias
- Sensitivity Reviews
- Legal Issues in Testing
- Legislation under Which Tests Can Be Challenged
- Court Cases Relevant to Testing
- Summary
- Exercises
- 17. Standard Setting
- Common Elements of Standard-Setting Procedures
- Step 1: Select a Standard-Setting Procedure
- Step 2: Choose the Panelists
- Step 3: Prepare Descriptions of Each Performance Category
- Step 4: Train the Panelists to Use the Chosen Procedure
- Step 5: Collect Panelists’ Judgments
- Step 6: Provide Panelists with Feedback and Discuss
- Step 7: Collect a Second Set of Judgments and Create Recommended Cut Scores
- Step 8: Conduct an Evaluation of the Standard-Setting Process
- Step 9: Compile a Technical Report, Including Validity Evidence
- Standard-Setting Procedures
- The Angoff Method
- The Bookmark Procedure
- The Contrasting Groups Method
- The Borderline Group Method
- The Body of Work Method
- Validity Evidence for Standard Setting
- Procedural Evidence
- Internal Evidence
- External Evidence
- Summary
- Exercises
- Common Elements of Standard-Setting Procedures
- 18. Test Equating
- Equating Defined
- Alternatives to Equating
- Equating Designs
- Single-Group Design
- Random-Groups Design
- Common Item Nonequivalent Groups Design
- Methods of Equating
- Mean Equating
- Linear Equating
- Equipercentile Equating
- IRT Equating Methods
- Practical Considerations in Equating
- Guidelines for Choosing Common Items
- Error in Equating
- Sample-Size Requirements
- Systematic Equating Error
- Choice of Equating Method
- Summary
- Exercises
- Equating Defined
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16301
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380