Marine Biology
6.490 kr.

Levinton's Marine Biology is highly acclaimed and regarded by many as the best, most authoritative text for the sophomore/junior/senior marine biology course. The text is characterized by its exceptionally clear and conversational writing style, comprehensive coverage, and sophisticated presentation featuring organismal and ecosystem ecology topics from an evolutionary perspective. Over the course of five editions, Jeff Levinton has balanced his organismal and ecological focus by including the latest developments from the world of molecular biology, global climate change, and oceanic processes.
- Höfundur: Jeffrey Levinton
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-07-15
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780197543535
- Print ISBN: 9780197543504
- ISBN 10: 0197543537
- Cover Page
- Epigraph
- Title page
- Copyright page
- Dedication
- Preface
- The Philosophy of This Text
- A Principles-Driven Approach
- Organization
- A Refined Learning Package
- What Is New and Noteworthy in the Sixth Edition?
- Supplements
- Acknowledgments
- Principles of Oceanography and Marine Biology
- Chapter 1 Sounding the Deep
- Marine Biology as a Discipline
- Historical Background of Marine Biology
- Observation and Hypothesis Testing
- Habitats and Life Habits: Some Definitions
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Chapter 2 The Oceanic Environment
- The Open Oceans and Marginal Seas
- Topography and Structure of the Ocean Floor
- The Ocean Above the Seabed
- Seawater
- Temperature and Salinity
- Oxygen in the Sea
- Light
- Circulation in the Open Sea: Patterns and Causes
- Surface Circulation
- The Coriolis Effect and Surface Circulation Patterns
- Seawater Density and Vertical Ocean Circulation
- The Edge of the Sea
- Waves and the Shoreline
- Tides
- Estuaries
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Chapter 3 Climate Oscillations and Climate Change
- Introduction: The Urgent Problem of Climate Change
- Climate Change: Oscillations and Long-Term Trends
- Climate Oscillations
- The Greenhouse Effect and Changing Ocean Climate Trends
- The Greenhouse Effect
- Effects of Climate Change on Sea Level, Circulation, Ocean Chemistry, and Biological Factors
- Carbon Dioxide and Ocean Acidification
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Chapter 4 Ecological and Evolutionary Principles of Marine Biology
- Ecological Interactions
- The Ecological Hierarchy
- The Levels Defined
- Interactions on the Scale of Individuals
- Territoriality
- Predation
- Predator Avoidance
- Commensalism
- Mutualism
- Parasitism
- The Population Level
- Spatial Variation
- The Community Level: Structure and Interspecies Interactions
- Larval Access
- Interspecific Competition
- Predation and Herbivory
- Disturbance
- Parasites and Disease
- Facilitation
- Succession
- Direct and Indirect Effects
- The Ecosystem Level
- Biomass, Productivity, Primary Productivity, and Secondary Productivity
- Species, Genetic Variation, Evolution, and Biogeography
- Genetic Basis of Organismal Traits
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Chapter 1 Sounding the Deep
- Chapter 5 The Chemical and Physical Environment
- Measures of Physiological Performance
- Temperature
- Homeotherms and Poikilotherms
- Temperature, Metabolic Rate, and Performance
- The Meaning of Temperature Limits
- Salinity
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Consumption
- Oxygen-Binding Pigments
- Low-Oxygen Environments
- Light
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Chapter 6 Life in a Fluid Medium
- Introduction
- Density, Viscosity, and Reynolds Number
- Moving Water
- Water Moving over Surfaces and Obstructions Such as Organisms
- Using Water Motion for Biological Advantage
- Drag
- Conflicting Hydrodynamic Constraints
- The Use of Flumes
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Chapter 7 Reproduction, Dispersal, and Migration
- Ecological and Evolutionary Factors in Sex
- Costs and Benefits of Sexual Reproduction
- Types of Sexuality and Their Value
- Fertilization Success
- Parental Care
- Nonsexual Reproduction
- Reproduction, Demography, and Life Cycles
- Natural Selection on Reproduction and Life Cycle
- Migration
- Larval Dispersal: The Long and the Short Haul
- Modes of Dispersal
- Reproductive Timing, Larval Release, and Egg Size
- The Microscale: Larval Settlement, Metamorphosis, and Early Juvenile Survival
- The Mesoscale: Transport by Currents, Loss of Larvae, and Retention Mechanisms
- Planktonic Larvae: Getting Through Major Obstacles to the Final Destination
- The Macroscale: Major Separations Lead to Biogeographic Structure
- Planktonic Dispersal: Why Do They Do It?
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Ecological and Evolutionary Factors in Sex
- Chapter 8 Plankton
- Introduction and Definitions
- Marine Viruses
- Marine Bacteria and Archaea
- Cyanobacteria
- Eukaryotic Phytoplankton
- Single-Celled Protists
- Diatoms
- Dinoflagellates
- Coccolithophores
- Single-Celled Protists
- Zooplankton
- Crustacean Zooplankton
- Copepods
- Krill
- Crustacean Zooplankton
- Jellyfish and Siphonophores (Phylum Cnidaria)
- The Comb Jellies
- Salps
- Larvacea
- Protistan Zooplankton
- Ciliates
- Other Zooplankton
- Cephalopods
- Fish
- Swimming
- Fish Reproduction
- Classification in Terms of Feeding and Habitat
- Oxygen Use and Buoyancy
- Feeding by Fishes
- Sensory Perception
- Sound Production and Detection in Fishes
- Body Temperature of Fishes
- Mammals
- Whales and Porpoises
- Toothed Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises
- Baleen Whales
- Seals, Walruses, and Sea Lions
- Sirenia
- Diving by Marine Mammals
- Oxygen Debt and Circulation Problems
- Gas Bubble Problems
- Whales and Porpoises
- Seabirds
- Breeding Behavior, Nesting Grounds, and Migration
- Feeding
- Shorebirds
- Sea Snakes
- Sea Turtles
- Introduction
- The Big Picture: Scales of Processes in Time and Space
- Spatial Processes That Create Plankton Patches in the Open Sea
- Detecting and Explaining Patchiness of the Plankton
- Diel Vertical Migration of the Zooplankton
- The Phenomenon
- Adaptive Explanations for Diel Vertical Migrations
- Fish Group School Formation and Motion on Small Spatial Scales
- Migration by Nekton over Large Distances: Control by Shifting Productivity Hotspots
- Transfer of Organic Matter Downward from Surface Waters
- Dealing at Depth with Reduced Food Input
- Predation and Defense into the Depths
- Defense Mechanisms of Plankton
- Bioluminescence: A Major Adaptation in the Deep
- Big-Mouthed Predators Win at Depth
- Chapter 11 Processes in the Water Column
- Critical Factors in Plankton Abundance
- The Seasonal Pattern of Plankton Abundance
- Water Column Parameters and the Spring Phytoplankton Increase
- Water Column Stability and Light
- The Sverdrup Model Explaining the Spring Phytoplankton Increase
- Critique of the Sverdrup Model of the Spring Diatom Increase
- Water Column Exchange in Very Shallow Waters and in Estuaries
- Light
- Nutrients Required by Phytoplankton
- Nitrogen
- Phosphorus
- Nitrogen-to-Phosphorus Ratio in the Sea
- Iron
- Silicon
- Trace Substances
- Rate of Nutrient Uptake
- Harmful Algal Blooms
- Phytoplankton Succession and the Paradox of Phytoplankton Coexistence
- The Microbial Loop: Nutrient Cycling by Viruses, Heterotrophs, and Chemoautotrophs
- Zooplankton Grazing in the Sea
- Zooplankton Feeding
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Chapter 12 Productivity, Food Webs, and Global Climate Change
- Productivity and Biomass
- Food Webs and Food Chains
- Transfer Between Trophic Levels
- Patterns of Food Chain Variation
- Measuring Primary Productivity
- Oxygen Technique
- Radiocarbon Technique
- Free-Water Approach to Measures of Primary Productivity
- Active Photosystem II and Primary Productivity
- Optical Data Within the Water Column
- Satellite Color Scanning and Productivity Models
- Geographic Distribution of Primary Productivity
- Regional Variation in Productivity
- Productivity by Region
- Atlantic Ocean
- Pacific Ocean
- Indian Ocean
- Antarctic Ocean
- Arctic Ocean
- Equator
- World Productivity
- Global Climate Change and the Global Carbon Pump
- Cycling of Carbon and the Carbon Pumps
- Climate Change: Some Records and Effects on Oceanic Processes
- Some Other Aspects of Greenhouse Gases
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Chapter 13 Benthic Microorganisms, Seaweeds, and Sea Grasses
- The Big Picture: Domains of Life
- Bacteria
- Eukarya
- Single-Celled Forms of Eukarya
- Diatoms
- Fungi
- Seaweeds
- General Morphology
- Variation Among Seaweeds in Photosynthetic Pigments, Life Cycles, and Storage Products
- Types of Seaweed
- Single-Celled Forms of Eukarya
- Sea Grasses
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Kingdom Protista: Single-Celled Organisms
- Phylum Porifera: Sponges, Simplest of Animals
- Phylum Cnidaria: Hydrozoans, Jellyfish, Anemones, and Corals
- Phylum Platyhelminthes: Flatworms
- Phylum Nemertea: Ribbon Worms
- Phylum Nematoda: Roundworms
- Phylum Annelida: Segmented Worms
- Phylum Sipuncula: Peanut Worms
- Phylum Pogonophora: Gutless Wonders
- Phylum Mollusca: Shelled Invertebrates (Mostly)
- Phylum Arthropoda: Jointed Appendages
- The Lophophorate Phyla
- Phylum Bryozoa: Moss Animals
- Phylum Brachiopoda: Lingulas and Lampshells
- Phylum Phoronida: Wormlike Animals with a Lophophore
- Phylum Echinodermata: Animals with Fivefold Symmetry
- Phylum Chordata: The Sea Squirts
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Introduction
- Benthic Size Classification
- Feeding Classification
- Life in Mud and Sand
- Important Features of Soft Sediments
- Burrowing
- Soft Sediments and the Role of Burrowers in Sedimentary Structure
- The Soft-Sediment Microzone
- Important Features of Soft Sediments
- Burrowers and Sediment Structure
- Particle Selectivity by Suspension Feeders
- Chapter 16 The Tidelands
- Rocky Shores and Exposed Beaches
- Vertical Zonation and the Protected, Wave-Swept Coast Gradient
- Factors Affecting Rocky Intertidal Organisms
- Wave Shock
- Causes of Zonation
- Interspecific Competition
- Predation and Interspecific Competition
- Disturbance and Interspecific Competition
- Disturbance and Succession in the Intertidal Zone
- Two Outside Forces: Phytoplankton Productivity and Flow
- Soft-Sediment Interactions in Protected Intertidal Areas
- Zonation and Interspecies Competition for Space
- Food Supply in the Soft-Sediment Intertidal
- Invasions and the Reorganization of Intertidal Communities
- Spartina Salt Marshes
- Ecosystem Engineers, Geographic Extent, and Setting
- Vegetational Zonation and Plant Interactions in Salt Marshes
- Salt Marsh Creeks and Mudflats
- Spartina Marshes as Sources of Organic Matter
- Spartina Marshes as Trophic Cascades
- Invasion of Salt Marsh Species
- Filling, Erosion, Nutrient Addition, and Sea-Level Rise
- Mangrove Forests
- Estuaries
- Oyster Reefs
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Rocky Shores and Exposed Beaches
- Chapter 17 The Shallow Coastal Subtidal
- Sea Grass Beds
- Sea Grass Growth Conditions, Succession, and Production
- Seaweed Interactions and Trophic Cascades in Sea Grass Beds
- Decline of Sea Grasses and Ecosystem Services
- The Rocky Reef–Kelp Forest System
- Subtidal Rocky Reefs
- Kelp Forests
- Factors Affecting Kelp Communities
- Coral Reefs
- The Crucial Role of the Coral-Zooxanthellae Symbiosis
- Factors Limiting Reef Growth
- Coral Reef Distribution and Biodiversity
- Geographic Distribution Of Reefs and Types of Reef
- Coral Diversity
- Coral Species: Distinguishing Genetic Differences from Plasticity of Form
- Mutualisms in Coral Reefs
- Defenses Against Predation
- Reproduction and Mass Spawning in Coral Reefs
- Biological Interactions and Community Structure of Coral Reefs
- Disturbances: How Storms, Ocean Warming, and Disease May Lead to the Death of Coral Reefs
- Synthesis: How the Major Factors Interact to Produce Changes in Coral Reef Community Structure
- Ocean Warming and Ocean Acidification
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Sea Grass Beds
- Chapter 18 Benthos from the Continental Shelf to the Deep Sea
- The Subtidal Landscape
- Sampling the Subtidal Soft-Bottom Benthos
- Sediment Type and Benthic Distribution
- The Seabed Landscape
- The Deep-Sea Gradient
- The Shelf–Deep-Sea Gradient
- Input of Organic Matter
- Environmental Stability in the Deep Sea
- Deep-Sea Biodiversity
- Deep-Sea Island Hotspots of High Diversity
- Cold-Water Deep Coral Mounds
- Seamounts
- Hot-Vent Environments, Cold Seeps, and Whale-Fish Falls
- Pressure Change
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- The Subtidal Landscape
- Chapter 19 Polar Marine Biology
- Introduction
- Arctic Marine Systems
- Arctic Marine Ecosystem Structure
- Climate Change and Arctic Systems
- Antarctic Marine Systems
- Antarctic Food Webs: The Central Role of Krill
- Climate Change and Antarctic Systems
- The Antarctic Shelf Benthos: A Special Case of Isolation
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Chapter 20 Biodiversity and Conservation of the Ocean
- Diversity, Speciation, Extinction, and Biogeographic Factors
- The Speciation-Extinction Balance
- Biogeographic Factors
- Major Gradients of Species Diversity
- The Latitudinal Diversity Gradient
- Differences Between and Within Oceans
- Lower Diversity in Inshore and Estuarine Habitats
- Explanations of Regional Diversity Differences
- Effects of Recent Events
- Effects of Events in Deeper Time
- Factors Causing High-Diversity Regions
- Expansion and Extinction in the Geological Past
- Conserving Marine Biodiversity
- Estimating Diversity
- Value of Biodiversity
- What Is Natural? The Problem of Shifting Baselines
- Reduction of Biodiversity
- Conservation Strategies
- Conservation Genetics
- Protective Legislation
- Marine Invasions
- Chapter Summary
- Review Questions
- List of Key Terms
- Diversity, Speciation, Extinction, and Biogeographic Factors
- Chapter 21 Fisheries and Food from the Sea
- The Fishery Stock and Its Variability
- Stocks and Markers
- Fishing Techniques and Their Effects
- Life History and Stock Size
- Stock Health and Production
- Population Models Based on Life-History Stages
- Fisheries Impact and Management
- The Concept of Maximum Sustainable Yield
- Problems with the Maximum Sustainable Yield Concept
- Overfishing and the Food Web
- Causes and Cures of Stock Reduction
- Cures for Overfishing?
- Closures and Quotas
- Ecosystem-Based Management and Marine Protected Areas
- Cures for Overfishing?
- Small-Scale Artisanal Fisheries
- Overexploitation of Whales: A Case History
- Other Types of Loss
- Disease as a Major Danger to Coastal Fisheries
- Mariculture
- General Principles of Mariculture
- Some Organisms Useful in Mariculture
- Mussels
- Oysters
- Other Bivalves
- Seaweed Mariculture
- Fish Farming
- Use of Genetic Manipulation
- Ion-Channel Blockers
- Enzyme Inhibitors and Cell-Cycle Modulators
- Apoptosis Stimulators
- Human Effects on the Marine Environment
- Measuring the Impact of Pollutants on Populations and Communities
- Measuring Effects on Single Species
- Measuring Effects on Community Function
- Measuring Effects on Biodiversity
- Toxic Substances
- Toxic Metals
- Mercury
- Cadmium
- Lead
- Pesticides
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls
- Plastics
- Oil Pollution
- Components and Effects of Oil
- Oil Containment and Dispersal
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- Toxic Metals
- Nutrient Input and Eutrophication
- Nutrient Sources
- Effects of Added Nutrients
- Abating Eutrophication
- The Effects of Burning of Fossil Fuels and Additions of Greenhouse Gases
- Biological Effects at the Individual Level
- Biological Effects on Biodiversity
- A
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18523
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380