In this tenth edition of his award-winning introduction, John Storey presents a clear and critical survey of competing theories of, and various approaches to, popular culture. Its breadth and theoretical unity, exemplified through popular culture, means that it can be flexibly and relevantly applied across a number of disciplines. Retaining the accessible approach of previous editions and using appropriate examples from the texts and practices of popular culture, this new edition remains a key introduction to the area.
New to this edition: updated throughout with contemporary examples of popular culture a chapter called 'Culture and nature', which includes sections on culture in nature, the Anthropocene, the Capitalocene, and popular culture and climate change updated student resources at routledgelearning. com/culturaltheoryandpopularculture This new edition remains essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of cultural studies, media studies, communication studies, the sociology of culture, popular culture and other related subjects.
- Höfundur: John Storey
- Útgáfa:10
- Útgáfudagur: 2024-03-29
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781003853930
- Print ISBN: 9781032484082
- ISBN 10: 1003853935
- Cover Page
- Half-Title Page
- Endorsements Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication Page
- Contents
- Preface/Acknowledgements
- Publisher's acknowledgements
- 1 What is popular culture?
- Culture
- Ideology
- Popular culture
- Popular culture as other
- The contextuality of meaning
- Notes
- Further reading
- 2 The ‘culture and civilization’ tradition
- Matthew Arnold
- Leavisism
- Mass culture in America: the post-war debate
- The culture of other people
- Notes
- Further reading
- 3 Culturalism into cultural studies
- Richard Hoggart: The Uses of Literacy
- Raymond Williams: ‘The analysis of culture’
- E.P. Thompson: The Making of the English Working Class
- Stuart Hall and Paddy Whannel: The Popular Arts
- The Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies
- Notes
- Further reading
- 4 Marxisms
- Classical Marxism
- The English Marxism of William Morris
- The Frankfurt School
- Althusserianism
- Hegemony
- Post-Marxism and cultural studies
- Utopian Marxism
- Notes
- Further reading
- 5 Psychoanalysis
- Freudian psychoanalysis
- Lacanian psychoanalysis
- Cine-psychoanalysis
- Slavoj Žižek and Lacanian fantasy
- Notes
- Further reading
- 6 Structuralism and post-structuralism
- Ferdinand de Saussure
- Claude Lévi-Strauss, Will Wright and the American Western
- Roland Barthes: Mythologies
- Post-structuralism
- Jacques Derrida
- Discourse and power: Michel Foucault
- The panoptic machine
- Notes
- Further reading
- 7 Class and class struggle
- Class and popular culture
- Class in cultural studies
- Class struggle
- Consumption as class distinction
- Class and popular culture
- The ideological work of meritocracy
- Notes
- Further reading
- 8 Gender and sexuality
- Feminisms
- Women at the cinema
- Reading romance
- Watching Dallas
- Reading women's magazines
- Post-feminism
- Men's studies and masculinities
- Queer theory
- Intersectionality
- Notes
- Further reading
- 9 ‘Race’, racism and representation
- ‘Race’ and racism
- The ideology of racism: its historical emergence
- Orientalism
- Whiteness
- Anti-racism and cultural studies
- Black Lives Matter
- Notes
- Further reading
- 10 Postmodernism
- The postmodern condition
- Postmodernism in the 1960s
- Jean-François Lyotard
- Jean Baudrillard
- Fredric Jameson
- Postmodernism and the pluralism of value
- The global postmodern
- Afterword
- Notes
- Further reading
- 11 The materiality of popular culture
- Materiality
- Materiality as actor
- Meaning and materiality
- Materiality without meaning
- Material objects in a global world
- Notes
- Further reading
- 12 The politics of the popular
- The cultural field
- The economic field
- Post-Marxist cultural studies: hegemony revisited
- The ideology of mass culture
- Notes
- Further reading
- 13 Culture and nature
- Nature in culture
- The Anthropocene
- The Capitalocene
- Popular culture and climate change
- Notes
- Further reading
- Bibliography
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6252
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380