Illustrative examples from recent research publications and "classic" studies are prominently featured throughout the book. Research techniques are highlighted in "special interest" boxes. Illustrations and descriptions of research techniques are provided with examples such as fire-scars from trees used to reconstruct disturbance, fossil pollen used to reconstruct vegetation change and plant migration, transect and quadrate sampling.
- Höfundur: Glen MacDonald
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 09/2010
- Blaðsíður: 528
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9780471241935
- ISBN 10: 0471241938
- Copyright
- Preface
- Contents
- Chapter 1: An Introduction
- Part I Space and Life
- Chapter 2: Some Basics
- Biology and the Hierarchies of Life
- Taxonomic Hierarchy
- Ecological Hierarchy
- Trophic Hierarchy
- Physical Geography and the Functioning of the Earth
- Global Climate
- Microclimate
- World Soils
- The Physical Environment of Lakes
- The Physical Environment of Oceans
- Biology and the Hierarchies of Life
- Chapter 2: Some Basics
- Chapter 3: The Physical Environment and the Distribution of Life
- Light
- Temperature
- Plants
- Animals
- Moisture
- Plants
- Animals
- Other Physical Factors
- Interacting Physical Controls on Geographic Distributions
- Environmental Gradients and Species’ Niches
- Chapter 4: Biological Interactions and the Distribution of Life
- Predation
- Competition
- Symbiosis: Mutualism, Commensalism, Parasitism, and Mimicry
- Combined Physical and Biological Controls on Distribution
- Biological Interactions, Gradients, and Niches
- Chapter 5: Disturbance
- Fire
- Wind
- Flooding
- Other Physical Disturbances
- Pathogens
- Marine Disturbances
- Chapter 6: Communities, Formations and Biomes
- Communities
- Plant Physiognomy, Vegetation Structure, and Formations
- Ecological Equivalents, Life Zones, and the Biomes
- Tropical Rainforest
- Tropical Seasonal Forest
- Tropical Savanna
- Desert
- The Mediterranean Biome
- Temperate Grassland
- Temperate Forests
- Temperate Rainforest
- Coniferous Boreal (Taiga) and Montane Forests
- Tundra
- Chapter 7: Changing Continents and Climates
- Life and the Geologic Time Scale
- Shifting Continents
- Quaternary Climatic Change
- Future Changes in Continents and Climate
- Chapter 8: Dispersal, Colonization, and Invasion
- Dispersal
- Colonization, Seasonal Migrations, and Irruptions
- Diffusion Versus Jump Dispersal
- Barriers, Corridors, Filters, Stepping Stones, and Sweepstakes
- Recent Invasions by Exotic Species
- Chapter 9: Evolution, Speciation, and Extinction
- Evolution and Speciation
- Some Basic Genetics
- Historical Development of Evolutionary Theory
- Isolation and Speciation
- The Temporal Pattern of Evolution
- Direction in Evolution
- Perfection in Evolution
- Increasing Species Diversity
- Geography and Evolution: Founder Effects, Bottlenecks, Vicariance Events, Adaptive Radiation, and Ev
- Extinction
- The Relationship Between Evolution and Extinction
- Evolution and Speciation
- Chapter 10: Realms, Regions, and Provinces: The Biogeographic Subdivisions of the Earth
- Defining Biogeographic Realms, Regions, and Provinces
- Determining the Boundaries Between Regions
- Factors Behind the Modern Biogeographical Regions
- Evolution of the Mammals
- Evolution of the Flowering Plants
- The Modern Biogeographic Regions
- Nearctic and Palearctic Regions—The Holarctic
- Neotropical Region
- Ethiopian (African) Region
- Oriental Region
- Australian Region
- The Primate Linkage
- Early Primates
- The Hominids: Australopithecus
- The Hominids: Early Homo
- The Hominids: Homo Sapiens
- The Geographic Expansion of Modern Humans
- Humans as an Evolutionary Force
- Animal and Plant Domestication
- Questions of the Origin and Spread of Agriculture
- Humans as a Force of Extinction
- Prehistoric Extinctions
- Historic Extinctions
- Chapter 13: Description and Interpretation of Biogeographic Distributions
- Mapping Biogeographic Distributions
- Biogeography of Range Size and Range Shape
- Common Biogeographical Distributional Patterns
- Endemic and Cosmopolitan Distributions Revisited
- Continuous Zonal Biogeographic Distributions
- Amphiregional Disjunct Distributions
- Dispersal Disjunctions
- Climatic Disjunctions
- Geologic Disjunctions
- Evolutionary Disjunctions
- Biogeographic Relicts
- Biogeographic Distributions and the Reconstruction of Evolutionary History
- Centers of Origin and the Dispersalist Model
- Cladistic Biogeography
- Panbiogeography and Vicariance Models
- Beyond Vicariance Biogeography: The Phylogeographic Revolution
- Chapter 14: The Geography of Biological Diversity
- What is Biological Diversity?
- How Many Different Species are there on the Earth?
- Latitudinal and Altitudinal Diversity Gradients
- Controls on Geographic Gradients of Species Diversity
- Historical Theories
- Equilibrium Theories
- Island Biogeography
- Geographic Patterns of Island Biodiversity
- The Equilibrium Theory of Island Biogeography
- The Theory of Island Biogeography Today
- The Value of Conservation
- Endangered and Threatened Species
- Biogeography and Endangered Species
- Biogeography and Conservation Planning
- General Strategies for Species Conservation and Biodiversity Conservation
- Habitat Restoration and Conservation
- The Global Warming Challenge
- Some Reflections
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 9823
- Útgáfuár : 2010
- Leyfi : 379