Behavior Analysis and Learning

- SÁL201G Hegðunar- og námsfræði
- SÁL244F Hegðunar- og námsfræði
Using a behavioral perspective, Behavior Analysis and Learning provides an advanced introduction to the principles of behavior analysis and learned behaviors, covering a full range of principles from basic respondent and operant conditioning through applied behavior analysis into cultural design. The text uses Darwinian, neurophysiological, and biological theories and research to inform B. F. Skinner’s philosophy of radical behaviorism.
The seventh edition expands the focus on neurophysiological mechanisms and their relation to the experimental analysis of behavior, providing updated studies and references to reflect current expansions and changes in the field of behavior analysis. By bringing together ideas from behavior analysis, neuroscience, epigenetics, and culture under a selectionist framework, the text facilitates understanding of behavior at environmental, genetic, neurophysiological, and sociocultural levels.
This "grand synthesis" of behavior, neuroscience, and neurobiology roots behavior firmly in biology. The text includes special sections, "New Directions," "Focus On," "Note On," "On the Applied Side," and "Advanced Section," which enhance student learning and provide greater insight on specific topics. This edition was also updated for more inclusive language and representation of people and research across race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, and neurodiversity.
- Höfundar: Erin B. Rasmussen, Casey J. Clay, W. David Pierce, Carl D. Cheney
- Útgáfa:7
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-12-30
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781000817225
- Print ISBN: 9781032065144
- ISBN 10: 1000817229
- Cover
- Half Title
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- 1 A Science of Behavior: Perspective, History, and Assumptions
- Science of Behavior
- Behavior Analysis: A Science of Behavior
- Two Types of Conditioning
- Respondent Conditioning
- Operant Conditioning
- Selection as a Causal Process
- Focus On: Behavior Analysis and Neuroscience
- The Evolution of Learning
- The Biological Context of Behavior
- The Selection of Operant Behavior
- Culture and Behavior Analysis
- Focus On: Burrhus Frederic Skinner
- A Brief History of Behavior Analysis
- Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849–1936)
- John Broadus Watson (1878–1958)
- Edward Lee Thorndike (1874–1949)
- B. F. Skinner and the Rise of Behavior Analysis
- Science and Behavior: Some Assumptions
- The Private World
- Feelings and Behavior
- Thinking as Behavior
- Focus On: Thinking Aloud About Chess Moves
- Chapter Summary
- Key Words
- On the Web
- Brief Quiz
- Science of Behavior
- Functional Analysis of Behavior
- Response Functions
- Response Classes
- Functional Analysis of the Environment
- Stimulus Functions
- Stimulus Classes
- Reinforcement Dynamics: Motivating Operations
- Tactics of Behavioral Research
- The Reversal Design and Behavior Analysis
- Single-Subject Research
- Generality and Single-Subject Research
- Assessment of Experimental Control and Behavior Change
- Advanced Section: Perceiving as Behavior
- Perception: The Stroop Effect
- Stroop Effect: A Behavior Analysis
- The Effect of the World on What We See
- Focus On: Perception, Signal Detection, and the Payoff Matrix
- Chapter Summary
- Key Words
- On the Web
- Brief Quiz
- Phylogenetic Behavior
- Sequences of Behavior
- Reflexive Behavior
- Laws of the Reflex
- Habituation
- Ontogenetic Behavior
- Respondent Conditioning
- Relative Nature of Stimuli
- Contiguity and Contingency of Stimuli
- Respondent Acquisition
- Conditioned and Unconditioned Responses
- Respondent Extinction
- Spontaneous Recovery
- Respondent Generalization and Discrimination
- Pre-Exposure to Stimuli
- Temporal Relations and Conditioning
- Delayed Conditioning
- Simultaneous Conditioning
- Trace Conditioning
- Backward Conditioning
- Second-Order Respondent Conditioning
- Heroin Overdose and Context
- Conditioned Immunosuppression
- Nuances and Complexities of Respondent Conditioning
- Overshadowing
- Blocking
- Advanced Section: Rescorla–Wagner Model of Conditioning
- The Rescorla–Wagner Equation
- Acquisition
- Extinction
- Chapter Summary
- Key Words
- On the Web
- Brief Quiz
- Operant Behavior
- Discriminative Stimuli
- Contingencies of Reinforcement
- Four Basic Contingencies
- Focus On: Do Rewards Harm Intrinsic Motivation?
- Research Findings and Implications
- Identifying a Reinforcing Stimulus
- Operant Conditioning and the Law of Effect
- Focus On: Behavioral Neuroscience and Operant Conditioning of the Neuron
- Procedures in Operant Conditioning
- A Model Experiment
- Focus On: Reinforcement and Problem Solving
- Reinforcement and Response Stereotypy
- Reinforcement and Response Variability
- Reinforcement and Problem Solving: An Assessment
- Extinction
- Behavioral Side Effects of Extinction
- Resistance to Extinction
- Extinction and Forgetting
- Chapter Summary
- Key Words
- On the Web
- Brief Quiz
- Importance of Schedules of Reinforcement
- Behavior Analysis: A Progressive Science
- Cumulative Records
- Schedules and Patterns of Response
- Schedules and Natural Contingencies
- Simple Schedules of Positive Reinforcement
- Continuous Reinforcement
- Intermittent Schedules of Reinforcement: Ratio and Interval
- Ratio (Response-Based) Schedules
- Interval (or Time-Based) Schedules
- Focus On: Generality of Schedule Effects
- Variable Interval
- Basic Schedules and Biofeedback
- Progressive-Ratio Schedules
- Progressive-Ratio Schedules and Neuroscience
- Schedule Performance in Transition
- Advanced Section: Schedule Performance
- Rate of Response on Schedules
- Postreinforcement (Preratio) Pause on Fixed Schedules
- Chapter Summary
- Key Words
- On the Web
- Brief Quiz
- Aversive Control in Everyday Life
- Aversive Control, Elephants, and Bees
- Aversive Control of Human Behavior
- Contingencies of Punishment
- Positive Punishment
- Negative Punishment
- Conditions that Influence Punishment Effectiveness
- Use of Punishment in Treatment
- The Punishment Debate
- Permanence of Punishment
- Focus On: Physical Punishment and Psychiatric Disorders
- Contingencies of Negative Reinforcement
- Escape Learning
- Focus On: Escape and Infant Caregiving
- Avoidance Learning
- Nondiscriminated (Sidman) Avoidance
- Aversive Stimulus Frequency and Avoidance Behavior
- Avoidance as Impending Doom
- Timeout from Avoidance
- Side Effects of Aversive Procedures
- Behavioral Persistence by the Punisher
- Learned Helplessness
- Aggression: A Prominent Side Effect
- Social Disruption as a Side Effect
- Chapter Summary
- Key Words
- On the Web
- Brief Quiz
- Analysis of Operant–Respondent Contingencies
- Embedded Respondent Contingencies
- Contingencies and Species-Specific Behavior
- Embedded Operant Contingencies
- The Biological Context of Conditioning
- Taste Aversion Learning
- Focus On: Taste Aversion, Neural Activity, and Drug Cravings
- Taste Conditioning Induced by Physical Activity
- Experimental Analysis of Adjunctive Behavior
- Adjunctive Behavior in Humans
- The Nature of Adjunctive Behavior
- Advanced Section: Autoshaping as Operant–Respondent Interrelationships
- Negative Automaintenance
- Autoshaping: Operant–Respondent Interrelationships
- Chapter Summary
- Key Words
- On the Web
- Brief Quiz
- Note
- Differential Reinforcement and Discrimination
- Stimulus Control as a Three-Term Contingency
- Stimulus Control of Behavior Sequences
- Social Referencing and Behavior Chains
- Stimulus Control and Multiple Schedules
- Multiple Schedules: The Discrimination Index
- Focus On: Discrimination and the “Bird-Brained” Pigeon
- Multiple Schedules and Behavioral Contrast
- Behavioral Contrast: Relative Rates of Reinforcement
- Generalization
- Aspects of Stimulus Generalization
- Absolute and Relative Stimulus Control
- Errorless Discrimination and Fading
- Errorless Discrimination
- Fading of Stimulus Control
- Complex Stimulus Control
- Matching to Sample: Identity Training
- Behavior Analysis of Remembering and Forgetting
- Delayed Matching to Sample and Remembering
- Reverse Forgetting: Control of Retroactive Interference
- Focus On: Concept Formation in Pigeons
- Conditional Discrimination
- Chapter Summary
- Key Words
- On the Web
- Brief Quiz
- Notes
- Experimental Analysis of Choice and Preference
- The Choice Paradigm
- The Matching Relation
- Proportional Matching
- Matching Time on an Alternative
- Matching on More Than Two Alternatives
- Extensions of the Matching Relation
- The Generality of Matching
- Matching and Human Communication
- Practical Implications of the Matching Relation
- Matching on Single-Operant Schedules
- Experimental Evidence for the Hyperbolic Curve
- Choice, Foraging, and PREFERENCE FOR CHOICE
- Optimal Foraging, Matching, and Melioration
- Preference for Choice
- Behavioral Economics, Choice, and Addiction
- Substitutability, Demand, and Substance Use
- Focus On: Activity Anorexia and Substitutability of Food and Physical Activity
- Delay Discounting of Reinforcement Value
- Hyperbolic Discounting Equation
- Delay Discounting Applications: Drug Abuse, Gambling, and Obesity
- Delay Discounting: Trait or State?
- Self-Control, Preference Reversal, and Commitment
- Advanced Section: Quantification of Choice and the Generalized Matching Relation
- Sources of Error in Matching Experiments
- Matching of Ratios
- The Power Law
- Bias
- Sensitivity
- Estimating Bias and Sensitivity
- Experiments and Log-Linear Estimates
- Chapter Summary
- Key Words
- On the Web
- Brief Quiz
- Note
- Chain Schedules and Conditioned Reinforcement
- Multiple-Stimulus Functions
- Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Chains
- Focus On: Backward Chaining
- Conditioned Reinforcement: Determinants and Analysis
- Effectiveness of Conditioned Reinforcement
- Experimental Analysis of Conditioned Reinforcement
- Information and Conditioned Reinforcement
- Information Value: Good News and Bad News
- Information, Reinforcement, and Human Observing Behavior
- Delay Reduction and Conditioned Reinforcement
- Concurrent-Chain Schedules of Reinforcement
- Delay Reduction and Concurrent-Chain Schedules
- Generalized Conditioned Reinforcement
- Generalized Social Reinforcement
- Tokens, Money, and Generalized Reinforcement
- Advanced Section: Quantification and Delay Reduction
- Experimental Test of Delay Reduction
- Chapter Summary
- Key Words
- On the Web
- Brief Quiz
- Correspondence and Human Behavior
- Correspondence and Spontaneous Imitation
- Imitation in the Laboratory
- Spontaneous and Delayed Imitation in Pigeons
- Analysis of Epstein’s Experiments
- Infant Imitation Research
- Spontaneous Imitation by Newborn Infants
- Delayed Imitation by Human Infants
- Correspondence and Intermodal Mapping
- A Behavior Analysis of Spontaneous and Delayed Imitation
- Correspondence, Generalized Imitation, and Observational Learning
- Operant Imitation and Generalized Imitation
- Experiments on Generalized Imitation with Human Infants
- Complex Observational Learning
- Focus On: Rules, Observational Learning, and Self-Efficacy
- Rule-Governed Behavior
- Rule-Governed and Contingency-Shaped Behavior
- Focus On: Instructions and Contingencies
- Rules as Function-Altering Events
- Following Rules and Joint Control
- Chapter Summary
- Key Words
- On the Web
- Brief Quiz
- Language and Verbal Behavior
- Focus On: Speaking and Evolution of the Vocal Apparatus
- Verbal Behavior: Some Basic Distinctions
- The Range of Verbal Behavior
- Speaking, Listening, and the Verbal Community
- Social Use of Words in a Verbal Community
- Operant Functions of Verbal Behavior
- Functional Operant Units: Manding and Tacting
- Research on Verbal Behavior: Manding and Tacting
- Training of Verbal Operants
- Functional Independence of Basic Verbal Classes
- Additional Verbal Relations: Intraverbals, Echoics, Textuals, and Autoclitics
- Intraverbal Relations
- Echoic Relations
- Textual Relations
- Autoclitic Relations
- Focus On: Higher-Order Verbal Classes and the Naming Relation
- Symbolic Behavior and Stimulus Equivalence
- Basic Equivalence Relations
- Experimental Analysis of Equivalence Relations
- Reflexivity
- Symmetry
- Transitivity
- Research on Equivalence Relations
- Stimulus Equivalence and Application
- Relational Frames
- Advanced Section: A Formal Analysis of Mand and Tact Relations
- Chapter Summary
- Brief Quiz
- Characteristics of Applied Behavior Analysis
- Concentration on Research
- Behavior Is the Primary Focus
- The Importance of Conditioning
- ABA in Reducing Challenging Behavior
- Direct Behavior Change
- Programming for Generality
- Focus on the Social Environment
- Research Strategies in Applied Behavior Analysis
- Multiple Baseline Designs
- Issues of Measurement in Applied Behavior Analysis
- Recording Behavior
- Reliability of Observations
- Contingency Management and Substance Use Disorders
- Reinforcement of Abstinence
- Cessation of Smoking During Pregnancy
- Evaluation of Contingency Management and Substance Use Disorders
- Contingency Management and Online Resources
- Behavior Analysis in Education
- A Personalized System of Instruction
- Precision Teaching
- Applications of Behavior Principles: Self-Control and Autism
- Training Self-Control
- Behavior Analysis in the Treatment of Autism
- Behavior Analytic Early Intervention Approaches to Autism
- Overview of the Behavior ANALYST Certification Board
- Video Modeling, Mobile Technology, and Autism
- Behavioral Treatment and Prevention: The Problem of Obesity
- The Obesity Crisis
- Behavior Management of the Obesity Crisis
- Focus On: Conditioned Overeating and Childhood Obesity
- Chapter Summary
- Key Words
- On the Web
- Brief Quiz
- Level 1: Evolution and Natural Selection
- Contingencies of Survival
- Phenotype, Genotype, and Environment
- Sources of Genetic Variation
- Genetic Regulation of Behavior
- Behavioral Rigidity
- Focus On: Genetic Control of a Fixed-Action Pattern
- Behavioral Flexibility (Learning)
- Level 2: Behavioral Selection by Reinforcement
- Evolution and Behavioral Dynamics
- Selection for Operant Processes
- Focus On: Operant Regulation in the Marine Snail, Aplysia
- Operant Selection and Extinction
- Susceptibility to Reinforcement
- Evolution, Reinforcement, and Verbal Behavior
- Social Signals
- Vocal and Speech Sounds
- Verbal Behavior
- Level 3: Selection and Evolution of Culture
- Cultural Practice
- Metacontingencies and Cultural Practices
- Focus On: Macrocontingency, Depleting Resources, and Costly Use of Punishment
- Experimental Analysis of Resource Management
- Effects of Communication and Costly Use of Punishment
- Origin, Transmission, and Evolution of Cultural Practices
- Cultural Evolution
- Chapter Summary
- Key Words
- On the Web
- Brief Quiz
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8535
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380